Late afternoon shot looking northeast from the west span of Commissioners Bridge as well as a closer view of a pair of carp gates. Note what is left of the Unilever / Ponds factory in the distance.


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A little love for what is now the dumpiest bridge in the Portlands! Lol Lime green is a logical choice and I am partial to F&B’s Danish Lawn. And some views of the Ship Channel which may, in the long-term, be a bigger opportunity than the Keating Channel. I know that in Belgrade the river is lined with boats that house bars and cafes that instantly turned neglected industrial space into a thriving and desirable area. Taken 11 February.

A lot of cities have this, of course. It would be great to sit and watch the cement boats come and go under the lift bridge. Unfortunately I think there's only about one or two boats a week in season.
A lot of cities have this, of course. It would be great to sit and watch the cement boats come and go under the lift bridge. Unfortunately I think there's only about one or two boats a week in season.
Too bad but if you turn to the southwest you get a view of the upper portion of what is docked at the Cruise Terminal! Starting in May.

And on the subject of bridge colours I think that a fifth option (there are at least two more bridges planned) could be Grape or Eggplant. 🍆 🍇
Ultimately I really hope East Harbour will just be more than a business hub. Someone told me that Toronto feels like one giant office district…

King’s cross in London is an example of a transit/finance hub while still being a major cultural centre with all kinds of cool things going on.
As impressive as all of this is, there is something very unsatisfying about the "wiggles" in the realignment of Commissioners. Sometimes the yellow line merges and there is separates. It just seem like it could have been simplified and that the road could have been narrower.

I blame this one hydro tower. Really a shame that this massive project needs to stick handle around something like a hydro tower.
As impressive as all of this is, there is something very unsatisfying about the "wiggles" in the realignment of Commissioners. Sometimes the yellow line merges and there is separates. It just seem like it could have been simplified and that the road could have been narrower.
I blame this one hydro tower. Really a shame that this massive project needs to stick handle around something like a hydro tower. View attachment 540045View attachment 540044

Moving a high tension hydro tower is VERY expensive but Commissioners from the new bridge to Leslie is supposed to get a new watermain this year and then the bike tracks will be extended all the way to Leslie. The traffic lanes will obviously be 'adjusted' then.

They do not need to drain the Keating (if it were even possible) to fix the 'dock walls" - they are fixing them as required all over the lake front and these will probably be done sooner than later. They are doing them right now at Parliament Slip and have done them nearer Bathurst too,.
More pix of the connection to the Don River. I am now seeing the Lake Shore Bridge. Also the stones on the edge of the river will make for a great place to ‘repose!’ Almost like a beach. Finally there is much work going on at the North Park on both sides of the fire hall. Taken 12 February.

ngs Cross was a super sketchy post-industrial wasteland, although it did have two great rave clubs. Amazing how it's changed now.
There's a tiny bit of the old Kings X sketch if you walk 10 minutes north (as I did in December). I give it another five years.
Some information on next steps for WT area:

A PlayPark that Will Provide Enriching Play Opportunities For Children To Support Their Development.


"Enriching Play Opportunities"??? Haha.

Hate how everything fun for kids these days has to be positioned as "making them smarter."

