Posted on "Twitter" by Rocky the Rock Ripper on 13 March.

March 22
Stop by the old Cherry St bridge today to get the last shots of it as it will be gone next week,

There is a way to save the control tower and it will cost about $50,000 to do it. It means removing the concrete around the area where it is anchored and lifting it to a spot where it can be safely stored.

The existing jog into the Keating channel is the pier for the bridge and it will have to be removed to widen the channel there the existing break wall. What cannot be seen from most areas as well as from the LRT bridge, is that Keating channel is wider east of the old bridge. This means that once the existing pier is removed, the new break wall will have to slop from the west side to the wider east side

When they build the new break wall, a section can be made wider that will support a new anchor base to hold the control tower and then reinstall it back into place.

As it stands today, only the centre beams are still in place with beams and railing on both side of it gone

Photos to follow and likely be in early April as I must be in Pittsburgh next week and leaving tomorrow by the Detroit route since I want to get some shots of the Gordie Howe bridge.

Good thing I'm going to Pittsburgh next week, I get to ride the LRT before it starts a 4-year rotation shut down to rebuilding system starting with the tunnel built in 1880-90's starting April 5. One system I haven't ridden so far.
Um, hello what's this??!?!

Screenshot 2024-03-23 at 2.38.44 PM.jpg

Reviewing my other photos and I just noticed the wall (plug) between Lake Ontario and Toronto's newest river (currently a pond) is only about a foot away from being connected!!!

Screenshot 2024-03-23 at 2.38.44 PM-2.jpg

It might even be connected as we speak, as these pictures were taken 8 hours ago.

Rocky the Rock Ripper, please report back! :)
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Just a little addition to highlight what I am sure everyone else got immediately but that I just noticed today! lol I have loved the outcropping of rock that is seen on the south side of the Orange Bridge but thought that it was an island and not meant to be accessed by users. Today I finally noticed that this is an extension under the bridge of the landform to the north that divides the wetlands from the Estuary itself. You can see paths lining the edges that continue under the bridge, very nice! I am sure that this will become many peoples ‘secret place!’


Just a little addition to highlight what I am sure everyone else got immediately but that I just noticed today! lol I have loved the outcropping of rock that is seen on the south side of the Orange Bridge but thought that it was an island and not meant to be accessed by users. Today I finally noticed that this is an extension under the bridge of the landform to the north that divides the wetlands from the Estuary itself. You can see paths lining the edges that continue under the bridge, very nice! I am sure that this will become many peoples ‘secret place!’

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Your first shows where the piers are to go for the LRT bridge if it every gets built as plan. Either sides of the river is where the bridge biers well go as well. They well have to walk the LRT across the river as one piece after it is assemble together some place on Commissioner St
