It's practically gone. The Harbour section has been reduced to rubble. All of the elevated segments and pillars are gone. There's just a little piece of ramped road left at the end.



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Is anyone really missing this exit? Why don't we just leave it like it is this point everyone has adapted their's not like they are missing seams like a huge hassle to build a completely new will be hugely inconvenient to everyone involved, especially those in this point I can't even really remember what was there why ruin what we have with something we don't know what it will all that noise and dust...
Is anyone really missing this exit? Why don't we just leave it like it is this point everyone has adapted their's not like they are missing seams like a huge hassle to build a completely new will be hugely inconvenient to everyone involved, especially those in this point I can't even really remember what was there why ruin what we have with something we don't know what it will all that noise and dust...

Almost all of the dust and the noise is behind us and what remains to be done is not a huge hassle to complete as the ramp down to Lower Simcoe is relatively short and pretty straightforward. Wouldn't make sense to turn back now and the benefits of access to Simcoe, Lake Shore, QQ, York will be vastly superior to not having the Lower Simcoe ramp.
Is anyone really missing this exit? Why don't we just leave it like it is this point everyone has adapted their's not like they are missing seams like a huge hassle to build a completely new will be hugely inconvenient to everyone involved, especially those in this point I can't even really remember what was there why ruin what we have with something we don't know what it will all that noise and dust...

Clearly you don't actually drive downtown via the eastbound gardiner. Also, we do "know what it will be" because we pay professionals to do extremely detailed, fact-based studies and projections for these things rather than saying "why don't we just leave it like it is now".
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Is anyone really missing this exit? Why don't we just leave it like it is this point everyone has adapted their's not like they are missing seams like a huge hassle to build a completely new will be hugely inconvenient to everyone involved, especially those in this point I can't even really remember what was there why ruin what we have with something we don't know what it will all that noise and dust...

I drove through downtown on Saturday via the Gardiner EB to check out the water treatment plant for Doors Open. Backup for the Spadina exit stretched all the way to the Humber River split with Lake Shore.

Having another exit will help disperse traffic.

Heck the Gardiner really only needs to be 1 through lane through the very centre of downtown as most traffic is exiting anyway. Lose / add additional lanes when ramps enter/exit.
Is anyone really missing this exit? Why don't we just leave it like it is this point everyone has adapted their's not like they are missing seams like a huge hassle to build a completely new will be hugely inconvenient to everyone involved, especially those in this point I can't even really remember what was there why ruin what we have with something we don't know what it will all that noise and dust...

Yes, hundreds of thousands people are missing this exit daily.

With the exit temporarily closed, and Harbour Street/Lake Shore eastbound reduced to one lane, delays are permeating throughout the entire downtown area.

Once it is reopened with a widened 4-lane Harbour Street it will be back to smooth sailing, as you'll be able to travel east across the city and access anything between Spadina and Jarvis within a reasonable time.
Wow. Actual car drivers respond.

I thought everyone on here hated cars and believed we should make driver's lives as miserable as possible at every opportunity.
Is anyone really missing this exit? Why don't we just leave it like it is this point everyone has adapted their's not like they are missing seams like a huge hassle to build a completely new will be hugely inconvenient to everyone involved, especially those in this point I can't even really remember what was there why ruin what we have with something we don't know what it will all that noise and dust...

Getting off the Gardiner to this area is now a complete disaster without this ramp. This past Sunday was an absolute disaster, Spadina exit backed up for a mile, Jarvis exit backed up for a mile.

It would be completely stupid "just to leave it like it is."
Getting off the Gardiner to this area is now a complete disaster without this ramp. This past Sunday was an absolute disaster, Spadina exit backed up for a mile, Jarvis exit backed up for a mile.

It would be completely stupid "just to leave it like it is."
And it would be messy....they should at least clean up the debris!
Tuesday, May 30, 2017:

The east end of the ramp along Harbour Street is practically down now. Another day or two and it should be completely levelled. These photos were taken from the PATH bridge:

Looking east to Bay Street intersection:

There's still a lot of demo to be done with the circular ramp at the bottom of York Street:

They were demolishing the last piece of the Harbour section of the ramp when I passed by earlier but not sure how far they got with the downpours today.

Over on Lower Simcoe, forms have been put up for the new ramp.


They really are taking their sweet time here. Given that this area has been completely clear for weeks, you'd think the ramp would have been prioritized and built by now. Sure, they might not have had the road ready yet, but they'd be able to open the ramp the day the road is paved which could be done in a few days of levelling and laying asphalt now that the entire ramp is cleared.


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Wow. Actual car drivers respond.

I thought everyone on here hated cars and believed we should make driver's lives as miserable as possible at every opportunity.

Hey, I'm just a tourist who visits a few times a year so I doubt I have much sway here.

I'm just an infrastructure nut who enjoys browsing this forum among several others.

Road or transit-related, construction or demolition, I find it interesting and sometimes I have some ideas or stories to share or comments to contribute.

Love the pics here! Thanks to everyone for taking the time to capture and share them! :)
