I believe Garrison, that's going in nearby, will also have red brick.

It's too bad the area will have a tough go with its future revitilzation that many buyers were banking on may be cancelled. The Patkau designed visitor centre and the pedestrian bridge (which already has Federal money committed) needs municipal cash to complete.

It would have brought some much needed vibrancy to Fort York
I drove by the other day and noticed that the warehouse across the street had blue plywood placed all around it. Does this mean that the proposed "Lowblaws Superstore" is finally underway? That would be very ideal!
Recent photos taken Jan 7/11


Two things are at play here. One is that density is set per unit of area so the fact they don't have a short podium means no density was transferred to height. Secondly they definitely couldn't add 20 storeys because the height allowance is sloped towards Fort York.
Two things are at play here. One is that density is set per unit of area so the fact they don't have a short podium means no density was transferred to height. Secondly they definitely couldn't add 20 storeys because the height allowance is sloped towards Fort York.

Yeah, but dont forget that Garrison on the Yards has a 22-24 storey building planned and aproved just meters north of this and south of the Gardiner expy.
If this podium building is, "a waste of space" I cannot fathom what you think of the WHC townhouses. Why does everyone around here want to live on Wall Street?
A look at all the construction in the Fort York Neighbourhood, including LTD.[video=youtube;d9nBbw42p5c]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9nBbw42p5c[/video]
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very comprehensive coverage ~ thanks Torontovibe !
I'm so glad they brought some red brick/precast into the neighbourhood-- adds some differentiation from the other materials of nearby buildings.
