With this, Murano, and Burano, Bay Street is finally getting some respectable condo architecture. It's about time.

Absolutely! I'm really loving what I see of Lumiere so far. Hopefully U will come through, turn out well and top off Bay south of Bloor with another good project although I question the success of the towns facing Bay Street. I think it's a poor planning decision and it's going to be very unpleasant noise-wise for those who live there.



both pics are excellent, but especially the night one! I love the trails of steam coming out of the smoke stack in the long exposure!
awesome pics mike!
i as well, love the night shot. almost makes CP look kinda nice, amongst the rest of the city backdrop.

what camera and settings did you use to capture it?
what camera and settings did you use to capture it?

Thanks for the comments - I love that smokestack as well for long exposure shots at night - especially cold nights when the smoke is thicker. The photo was taken with a Nikon P6000 with a six second exposure.
Most flattering pic of ROCP I've seen in a long time.

They look best in the dark :rolleyes:

It's hard to believe Lumiere only has about 10 floors left, it's really going to be dwarfed by those two monsters across the street
January 6th Update

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Thanks for the pics. I really like this project and it provides a fine contrast to the less successful (aesthetically) ROCP across the street.
I think the podium with its over hanging frame will give the main entrance grand feeling. The design of the glass on that lower portion looks quite classy too.
the podium is starting to look pretty nice. i'm still skeptical about the large slab of concrete that runs up the side of the building, with multicoloured panels on it. imho it looks kinda tacky. i'll be interested to see it come to fruition.
anyone know how many floors are left? This thing might slightly block my view of the CNN tower :(
The what?!?! :eek:

The amount of floors is in the topic title. Count the floors you see completed in the last picture posted, and subtract that from the proposed number, and you will have an approximate answer.
