Lumiere shot up SO FAST! I don't know what happened to time! I love how awesome the black looks on the south side but the beige on the north is not quite working with me. This buildings got really weird dimensions.. its not exactly a rectangular building! Really hard to get angles of this thing to truly understand its complexity... Its wedged in between building upon building.. Cool shots, especially the interiors! Seeing the drywall inside is cool :D
wicked photos! this buildings is turning out to be wonderfully executed.

I couldn't agree more, I'm loving this building - and I also agree that the layouts do suck.

Fantastic photo update Hypnotoad, you got some terrific angles there.
Slowly blocking my view of the Ritz and RBC:

Lumiere reminds me of new york style density! Its claustrophobic skyscraper construction!!! Sad to see the Ritz disappear out of your view :(
A different angle with Lumiere poking out between RoCP & Murano:

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hey Mike in TO, are you in Murano? I like the views you're always posting!

Mike's everywhere!!!! :D

Sweet views you got there mike! I especially like the one with Murano and ROCP! I wish they'd made Lumiere taller so it could be the center piece of that shot!... well... i guess the new centerpiece will be Aura! it'll tower over everythin!
Mike's everywhere!!!! :D

I wish they'd made Lumiere taller so it could be the center piece of that shot!... well... i guess the new centerpiece will be Aura! it'll tower over everythin!

I think they have although I didn't see anything posted on site that can confirm this. I counted up in my last photo post on March 23rd and I got 32 stories, I think 3 or 4 more levels have been added since then.
Arriving home this evening I see that the crane has been jacked up again, I really think they've added a few floors here. I'll try to get by there this weekend and check it out.
Arriving home this evening I see that the crane has been jacked up again, I really think they've added a few floors here. I'll try to get by there this weekend and check it out.

They are working on the rooftop mechanical penthouse right now - no more residential floors have been added.
Pics of Lumiere

Hi there,

Thank you all for your observations/pictures. I live far away in San Francisco but purchased a unit at Lumiere. my unit is northwest facing and it seems like every pic posted is from the vantage point of Bay Street. Is there any chance someone might direct me to or perhaps take a shot from College west of Bay? It would be very very much appreciated.

Also, as some others were wondering, they did decide to add 2 floors (translation: make a couple extra million) about 2 years ago (from 30-32).


