New furniture on the rooftop patio at Lumière... it might be my colour vision impairment, but the upholstery looks hideous from up here.

Restaurant at the base and painting going on in larger retail unit. Oh, and I see the city has graffiti-ed the new sidewalk--I know how you guys love that.


New sidewalk is a magnet for some sort of "service provider" to come along and rip up the concrete and patch it with asphalt afterwards.
They had the brilliant idea of installing on their rooftop patio a series of upward-facing spotlights that glare into my apt across the street. That's ok Lumière, I still look down at you.
I vote 'Pasta Pane Vino' just about the most banal restaurant name around. It's like some contrived retail name you'd find in a condo render.
They had the brilliant idea of installing on their rooftop patio a series of upward-facing spotlights that glare into my apt across the street. That's ok Lumière, I still look down at you.

The lighting on the roof looks really good at night, one of the best (if not "the" best) roof-top lighting features in the area. I haven't seen the lights on the north face of the building turned on yet, perhaps they aren't lights after all but it sure looked like there were electrical boxes in them before they installed the multicoloured glass faces.
I'm in love with Bay Street ^^^. i can't handle it ^^^ so much action going on in that pic... i can't focus!
