Luna courtyard.

How did I miss this shot? I LOVE what they did with the rooftop. The forms and textures at work, as well as the way the patios for the residential units sit over the communal space. Great shot.
Not sure if it's been posted already, but has anyone seen the awesome night time lighting on the roof of these two buildings? So sweet!
Wow! Some of those shots of Luna are quite striking; seems that from the right angles, Cityplace can manage to be photogenic.
Luna seems to be pretty well built. The interior shots looked much better than the ones I've seen at the other CityPlace buildings.
June 19 2010 update

Luna at night - she's a beauty
Click to Enlarge

Love this vertical effect

Luna's vehicular court looks even better with the night lighting

The Bear is sure cute ~
Please pardon the two-year thread bump.

I was encouraged by what I saw in the park. Now that the trees have another spring's worth of growth, I think it will grow into a great park. There was a variety of people milling about - not many, but there were young families and seniors in addition to the usual 20-somethings. With a few more buildings occupied it should be a lively place.



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CityPlace really is over-criticised as a neighbourhood. It's brand new, it will become a livelier neighbourhood when it isn't still half under construction, and when people and businesses settle in more. No neighbourhood will ever be The Annex while it's still being completed.
Totally agree.
Once the road connection is made west to Bathurst and the pedestrian bridge to Front Street is open the neighbourhood would be much more connected and accessible with the rest of the city.
I'll bite.

A lot of the criticism is about the built form, no # of people can fix that. The issue is, more so with the earlier phases, they essentially have large standalone (single story) ammentiy buildings and hence to a bad job meeting the street. The lack of retail in the first phases, particularly fronting the east side of Spadina also doesn't help.

The buildings themselves, after the 1st floor, are among the best built! Honestly some the glass towers here are very impressive.

Now take the MCC development, parkside, has a very good built form in comparison !
Luna and Montage were the best phases of Cityplace for me. Panorama wasn't that bad, and IMO makes the most out of something that's left out on its own little island. Detailing started to go downhill once they got to Parade and Spectra/Quartz though.
