That intersection went in last year and a big mistake for it. Its too close to Confederation with another set of traffic lights.

Should be Right in/out only with the traffic light intersection on the west side of M3.

This site is going to have an impact on Confederation and Burnhamthorpe for traffic movement with Webb seeing some, but not as bad as the other 2.
That intersection went in last year and a big mistake for it. Its too close to Confederation with another set of traffic lights.

Should be Right in/out only with the traffic light intersection on the west side of M3.

This site is going to have an impact on Confederation and Burnhamthorpe for traffic movement with Webb seeing some, but not as bad as the other 2.

If we want MCC to become more urban and pedestrian friendly, we’re going to have to accept smaller blocks to slow down traffic and give pedestrians more opportunities to cross. Especially on Burnhamthorpe.

This is a perfect outcome in my opinion and anything but a mistake.
That intersection went in last year and a big mistake for it. Its too close to Confederation with another set of traffic lights.

Should be Right in/out only with the traffic light intersection on the west side of M3.

This site is going to have an impact on Confederation and Burnhamthorpe for traffic movement with Webb seeing some, but not as bad as the other 2.

I agree. It is already making a huge impact as too many cars are waiting for the left turn signal on Confederation and the left turn lane is not as long because of the newly added intersection. Hopefully once the new intersection is open the left turning traffic will be split between the new left turning lane and the one for Confederation.
We can slow down traffic by narrowing lanes which is a far more effective solution than yet more lights. We already have way too many lights and stop signs.
Agreed. I prefer having the intersection on the west side of M3 purely dye to distancing concerns, but this is a better location in dispersing traffic to other streets, and this way the road network at PSV can be used alongside the Rogers lands to direct traffic north and south.

Burnamthorpe needs a remodelling top to down. It's not a psuedohighway anymore, and needs to address its function and surroundings in this area.
We can slow down traffic by narrowing lanes which is a far more effective solution than yet more lights. We already have way too many lights and stop signs.
I disagree. It’s a pain walking anywhere in MCC, especially this area as there aren’t enough safe places to cross. This intersection fixes that - especially for the thousands of new residents that will be moving into this development.

Edit: I’m all for narrowing lanes too!
I'm not sure we can ever make 6 lane arterials all that pedestrian friendly. This is why I think it is a mistake to focus such intense development on arterials--they won't be effective urban spaces unless we degrade their ability to move vehicles, but cities do need arterials.
The plan going back under the retired Commissioner of Transportation and approved by Council before M City and the LRT surface, Burnhamthorpe was to be reduce to 5 lanes from Hurontario to Mavis under phase 1 with wider sidewalks and cycles path. The excess land would become development land. This would continue west to the Credit River.

This happen after the EA to widen Burnhamthorpe east of Hurontario to Dixie was approved and then cancel

If one looks at traffic on Burnhamthorpe, they will find traffic can be non existing at various times 7 days a week with more being heavy at peak time and special events or when the 403 is block. Speeding is a big issue.

The current block between Confederation and Grand is too big, but only can be broken up at 2 locations with them being for M City only. The current plan setup will service both M City and Parkside Village with a small amount of traffic coming from Parkside even after it fully built out in 10-15 years.

Don't forget, traffic lights slow pedestrians and cycles as well the car.

MCC is not a pedestrians friendly area and don't see real improvement anytime soon, let alone 20 years down the road.
Today before the rain and the fog came in. It looks like they are setting up the auxiliary crane to dissemble the tower one.



These two shots are from inside the square one mall.

Just a quick post to show what's happening at the top.
November 13th.

