Jan 07

Cool, but...

...it's probably a more prosaic object much closer to the camera than the subject buildings, such as a wayward drone. Or a glitched artifact of the camera...like that pink glowing aura at the centre left.

Edit: Come to think of it, it could been a dimmed light fixture reflected upon the glass as this shot was taken from inside the building proper in the foreground also.
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I know sir. Just looked.amazing and good humour once in a while.
Yeah...didn't mean to be a party pooper. But folks are willing to believe what they see without questioning first...so I was just making sure that balloon was deflated before they start concluding "Ooo, aliens!" Sowwy! >.<
Yeah...didn't mean to be a party pooper. But folks are willing to believe what they see without questioning first...so I was just making sure that balloon was deflated before they start concluding "Ooo, aliens!" Sowwy! >.<
I should have been more clear, it was more of a way to create some humour in 2023. I still find it amazing how it does look like a UFO on top of the towers..... Even tho it's not

They should get rid of those curb cuts (and raise the former road to sidewalk level), take down those no-straight-ahead signs, and remove the now-pointless N-S walk signals so it looks like a square at a T-intersection, not like the road's looks closed-off, as it looks ugly for something permanent
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They should get rid of those curb cuts (and raise the former road to sidewalk level), take down those "no straight ahead: signs, and remove the now-pointless N-S walk signals so it looks like the edge of a square, not like the road's just closed-off.
They would still need a car entrance as they still have tons of food trucks and other service type trucks inside the square.

I think initially they may have envisioned this as a street that get closed occasionally for events and instead it turned out that there is no case for a drive through street.
