This once familiar view of mine is now much different with these two...I took these hours ago. (Taken from the southwest*)
As seen from high above Mavis on July 16th. It will be interesting to take this shot again in ten years once the whole block is finished.
From yesterday:

Looks like the external elevator has been completely removed.

I also managed to finally have a walk through this tunnel-like part of the structure. The corner looks like it would be great for a café

I couldn't help but notice that there is a lot less greenery on the boulevard towards Burnhamthorpe compared to what the concept art depicted. I know there's always differences but its disappointing that the public realm is what suffered here.
For some of the hate on the design of these towers in this thread, I think these are at least interesting. They draw your eye.
For some of the hate on the design of these towers in this thread, I think these are at least interesting. They draw your eye.
I personally don't understand the disdain for these towers. I find them visually striking from all angles. I don't mind the colour choice for the towers, and I quite like the colour scheme for the podium. I like that they went with a bold design, instead of something more conventional (and boring).
I think you will have more fun photographing M3 at 260m!
True. But there will just be one building and it will take a long time to get there!
