Hmmm. I thought the building was approved on May 14 for 30 storeys instead of 34 and needed to make a few setback adjustments on the 8th and 10th floor. Maybe I am wrong? Anybody know the TRUE status of M5V?
It would be wrong to not approve this building with the very tall (42 floors?)Festival Tower across the street. Besides, M5V is replacing an out of place speedy muffler and a rundown restaurant. I think M5V would be a good addition to the area with new retail on the ground floor.
I was looking for the M5V O.M.B. decision files on their website but can no longer find the info. Does this mean it is no longer an open case? Was there a decision? Where do i find it?
It would be wrong to not approve this building with the very tall (42 floors?) Festival Tower across the street. Besides, M5V is replacing an out of place speedy muffler and a rundown restaurant.

Two points.

One, the Bell Lightbox is on the north side of the street, casting no shadows on the street itself. MV5 will shadow parts of King St most of the day.

Two, the Mexican restaurant (Bandido's) may look a bit shabby but their food is amazing, and I doubt M5V's lobby will make up for its loss.

Having said that, I'm not against this project overall.
Two points.

One, the Bell Lightbox is on the north side of the street, casting no shadows on the street itself. MV5 will shadow parts of King St most of the day.

Two, the Mexican restaurant (Bandido's) may look a bit shabby but their food is amazing, and I doubt M5V's lobby will make up for its loss.

Having said that, I'm not against this project overall.

Bell Lightbox may not cast a shadow on King since it's on the north side but it is so tall it will actually cast a shadow over adelaide and john st at some points during the day. Do they consider shadow casting on the next block over due to height?
By the way, bandidos does make good food. I would never argue that point, but losing it for a nerw condo and retail is collateral damage. Maybe it could have a new spot in the base of M5V?
I have been following the M5V situation at the OMB but the online case files are no longer in the 'open' E-status or E-decisions section. Does this mean there has been a final decision made and the case is now closed? M5V are still selling units and it is so-called confirmed for 30 floors rather 34 and there have been several adjustments to the design of the building to meet the OMB suggestions. M5V sales associates tell me they are on schedule to break ground in February. Does this mean it is full steam ahead or is it only hopeful dreaming on M5V's part?
yes i love it! Although the "guests" in the fototorial in the latest condo guide looked kinda pathetic.... Still, build this thing it better look good and the stylish residents better have good taste in furniture and blinds/curtains otherwise it'll look worse than a Lada in a Moscow Condominium.
Thanks for the update.

Any ammendments or details on the approval? I.E Did the developer get the # of floors they were requesting?

Is mazyar still reading this thread?
I just read through the entire 48 page decision and noticed that it always mentioned 34 floors in the proposal. However, M5V is currently selling the building based on 30 floors, but did initially want to build a 34 floor structure. Am I to understand that M5V did get approved for the original 34 floors?
