Sorry, I had to come back because I was laughing about that comment asking how the statues (commemorating Fort York; apparently that fact and the big plaque explaining it were lost on this guy) play into the "California waterfront lifestyle" -- the day after Remembrance Day.
Pay our respects (sarcasm)

Yes..i was sooooo intrigued by the false advertising..i guess this group doesnt buy into sarcasm..ill adjust.

With that being said....I could easily see how much you all love the Soldiers. We should all pay homage as we walk into our building. Ooops sorry that was sarcasm, but since we all love the soldiers i wont be surprised to see a crowd honoring the statues the next time i walk in.
Sorry, I had to come back because I was laughing about that comment asking how the statues (commemorating Fort York; apparently that fact and the big plaque explaining it were lost on this guy) play into the "California waterfront lifestyle" -- the day after Remembrance Day.

Not sure what you were reading, but i think i know it portrays fort york. I was asking how the solider portray a "malibu" condo? Please read carefully before responding.
Blogger#3, your first 4 posts have been pretty entertaining, I'll give you that much : - )

I apologize on behalf of the developer that the condo wasn't Malibuish enough for ya.

Hey, you know there's a new development in town called Giraffe, I'd hate to see what you think of it when all is said and done ; - )
Man, I am sick and tired of Fort York this and Fort York that! When I knowingly moved into this historic neighbourhood, I never imagined my beachfront condo next to a highway would be overrun by commemorative statues! Those old army barracks don't match my curtains at all. :mad: Bring on the bulldozers!
"Hey, you know there's a new development in town called Giraffe, I'd hate to see what you think of it when all is said and done ; - ) "

Yeah I would think it would have a real giraffe outside of it, and the floors would be yellow with black print or something. You're right. You got me on that one. Does anyone know if the condos on fort york blvd have soliders on the doorstep? If not, im sure they would love ours. Plus this neighbourhood is so historic, which is why they develop a new condo on every site they can possibly get their hands on. If its so historic, im sure they would want to preserve the land around us. They should keep that old food bank across the street too. Its pretty historic. Oh wait, thats what the toy soliders are for. Nonetheless, I'll leave our poor statues alone. But it is funny that no one has replied to the real issues going on with the inside of the condo. If you guys have no complaints about the actual buliding on the inside..well, I must respect your honesty. (or your passion for dealing with horrible builders and settling for low standards) or Maybe i just have higher standards.

Oh by the way, There's another condo named "neptune." I heard aliens live in it. But thanks for the least you guys are opening up.
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Actually, Blogger#3, as a buyer of this development that we at UT have been following for the past 5+ years (from proposal to now), I am indeed interested in your opinion on the matter. Now, it is true I think this Malibu name is a marketing joke, and the development an eyesore on the waterfront, but what are some real problems on the inside of this structure? Tell us, so we can avoid this developer, and hopefully put them out of business.


the curious one...

And btw, I think the Coupland sculpture is tacky and tasteless, and truly represents the "class" of the builder....
That's fine urbandreamer but can you have that conversation in the Real Estate forum. I think that's more appropriate no?

All jokes aside, Blogger#3 I'm sure your opinions regarding the interior of this development are quite valid and I wouldn't be surprised if the quality of the materials is lacking.
And btw, I think the Coupland sculpture is tacky and tasteless, and truly represents the "class" of the builder....

First of all, wasn't the sculpture selected by the city, or at the very least they approved of it / mandated such a statute exist at this location?
Yes, All jokes aside, The issues that concern me more are those that have impact on the tenants and owners of the units.

-Delayed or Lack of response from Customer Service regarding repairs and unit issues. At times, no responses at all. Sometimes even solutions that are not even worth mentioning (ie..I asked about a repair to a crack in one of my main kitchen cabinets that was there from the beginning...they came and tried to put brown Pastelle on it to cover the crack! I was amazed at that attempt.) They actually thought this would do.

-Building entrance: this may be beyond their control, but ther is no viable entrance into the building, unless your coming down fort yr blvd, onto bathurst, making a right into the

-Not sure about other units, but some of the doors within the units have formed sloaped indentations in response from the builder to date.

-Not too sure what they will do in the winter months about the flooring. Huge concern for me due to the marble like material used for the main floor. A Big hazard for both tenants and visitors.

-A small issue, nothing too concerning but some of the elavators are still malfunctioning a bit.

-I've been keeping an eye on the games room and multipurpose room. If i recall, i remember first seeing the structure of the rooms at least 3 months ago. Till date, seems like they have a long way to go. Im sure they have their reasoning behind the slow progress, but we're not talking huge rooms here. Ive seen rooms like that go up in less than a month.

I dont want to go on too much because i do respect the form here. To sum it up, I dont think the diligence is being given to a project of such magnitude. As a owner I do think we deserve a little more credit for our concerns, and I dont think a detailed oriented approach to building is asking too much. All im saying is that the longer they take to complete, the longer we wait for the builing to be registered, and the longer we wait for transfer of unit owenrship, the more we get screwed.
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So maybe to keep with the condo theme, they should have this in supersize
lol ... you know what I'd love ... and I think Blogger#3 would too ;-)

Can one of our talented Photoshopers replace the statute in the previous pick with a blown up barbie doll!

Then we'd all be happy.
We'd all be happy if the discussion that Blogger#3 is trying to have were to happen in the Real Estate section. P&C threads are mostly for dealing with architecture, engineering, construction, urban planning issues surrounding the development.

Blogger#3 ... your comments on the builder's (lack of) quality are very consistent to what's I've heard about Malibu thus far, your input is much appreciated (I'm sorry for you) :eek:

I'm sure if you setup a new thread in the Real Estate page, other Malibu owners will catch on and jump in ... much like the case with Montage+Neo @ Cityplace

with respect to the toy soldier statue (I think discussion is appropriate on this thread), I personally am not a fan of it, not that I disrespect veterans and history ... but I think more 'sensitive' commemorative statues such as this should be placed in a public park type space, rather than at the entrance of a private residential condo ... I can see how some owners maybe upset with (a) it doesn't jive well with the Malibu / modern condo theme and (b) negative connotations created by a 'fallen soldier' statue at your condo's main door

but look on the bright side, at least your new home is built and you have moved in ~ :D

