The article is preposterous.

This City supports multiple Whole Foods, Pusateris' and McEwans; and also supports a myriad of very high-end restos.

Plucking a fairly meaningless stat out of the air is not useful; the comparison is made between % of income spent on eating out between the GTA and ALL of BC and ALL of Quebec as opposed to Vancouver or Montreal; and there is no mention made
of the difference in median household income.......sigh.

Sloppy journalism and thinking in the extreme.

Also, the writer assumes that Eataly's main target demographic is the city's Italian community and, from there, argues that Montreal should've had Canada's first Eataly because it has more Italians living close to downtown than Toronto.

What the article really strikes me as is an unspoken lament for Montreal, which is being eclipsed relentlessly by Toronto. I think it's especially tough for Montrealers to swallow (pun intended) that Toronto's pulling ahead even in areas like food. And I say this as someone who was born and raised in Montreal and loves that city like crazy.

I wonder what Montreal being on an island has to do with *anything* with respect to the motility of the regional population.

As to the stats - we have more people in the GTA than the whole of those provinces, and people there aren't going to drive 5 hours to eat at a Resto.:rolleyes:

I wonder what Montreal being on an island has to do with *anything* with respect to the motility of the regional population.


Ya know, that's the first time I've ever seen that word used that way.

My instant reaction was to conjure an unfortunate image of Montreal as swarmed by sperm, LOL

But ya know, I'm not sure the word is wrong, I had to double-check the definition but I think you could make it fit, providing you believe Montrealers mobility is a function of metabolitic energy as determined by genetics and influenced by the environment.

I think I'm willing to buy it.

The lane that has been closed for a couple of years on Balmuto was repaved yesterday.
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At least they didn't bother wasting their time complaining about other people lining up in an online forum :rolleyes: I mean, just for a like - if that?

And I counter with wasting their time complaining about somone laughing about people wasting their time.
Or is this the glowing praise only section of the forum?
Tell you what, I'll give you a like. Since you brought it up, that must be your motivation.
I live there and I'm ignoring it for a few days. Lining up in the cold for the "privilege" of spending my money is something I'm never going to do,

I can't really fathom it either. I mean for a hot resto, on a Friday night, I'm willing to put in 15m of wait time, at their bar. But anything beyond that is a steep ask.
