For me what really takes this over the edge from this being is a nightmare of bad taste to sheer revulsion is the complete geometrical mismatch of the new glass corners with the geometry of the building above — it doesn't match it, it doesn't play off it, it doesn't compliment it. Whatever the opposite of grace is, this is it. It's not even compellingly rejecting the building above. It's just bad. I generally avoid this thread because it's too upsetting to look at what they've done here.
For me what really takes this over the edge from this being is a nightmare of bad taste to sheer revulsion is the complete geometrical mismatch of the new glass corners with the geometry of the building above — it doesn't match it, it doesn't play off it, it doesn't compliment it. Whatever the opposite of grace is, this is it. It's not even compellingly rejecting the building above. It's just bad. I generally avoid this thread because it's too upsetting to look at what they've done here.

Spot on!
Along Bay St. today.
This could have been a sexy glass ribbon to stand in contrast to the corbelling brutalist mass of the landmark building above.

Instead it looks like the form was based on whatever could grab the most leasable space and attract tenants & nothing more. A very unsophisticated approach to "revitalization"
