Kind of unsure what’s happening with the mortar on the lower levels but it looks v messy in places, but signage has already been hung? Is this just the way it is forever?

Kind of unsure what’s happening with the mortar on the lower levels but it looks v messy in places, but signage has already been hung? Is this just the way it is forever?

View attachment 503979
likely needs to have a final acid wash and they didnt want to delay signage install. technically the brick can be acid-washed with the signage on.
So my question with those towns- directly across the street is another building that had towns facing onto Mill St. One is an Opticial place, the other a real estate office- neither of which I think was built with the intention of commercial. So what are the odds we see some home businesses in those Maple units? Someone living there but with a sign in the window for…whatever?
So my question with those towns- directly across the street is another building that had towns facing onto Mill St. One is an Opticial place, the other a real estate office- neither of which I think was built with the intention of commercial. So what are the odds we see some home businesses in those Maple units? Someone living there but with a sign in the window for…whatever?
I think the chance is very, very high.
Walking by, quite a number of the ground-floor suite doors were open 'cause of drywalling & priming inside each unit. I took some pics.
Although a few were quite narrow, some of the others were more generous, with less linear layouts.

The first one I saw:


The second:
...continued from previous...

The third one:




They've used a really nice semi-reflective glass at ground level. I imagine it might be rather see-through at night, but during the day, it seems to afford privacy.
I couldn't get over the general level of finesse that all the finishings showed. It was a rare building to walk around that you could actually linger over the details - that there were actually details to look at!


Approaching the walkway between COBE's two towers - there was a comfortably roomy looking corner unit there.




A glimpse through a doorway of another unit, in the walkway between the two buildings...


- Swoon! -



Any idea when the streetcars loop's going to go away so we can get a complete street here?
Any idea when the streetcars loop's going to go away so we can get a complete street here?
A good while! The top priority is QQE from Bay to Cherry and south to the new Commissioners loop. Building a new tunnel through rail berm will be both costly and slow. Of course, the QQE line has been a City priority for over a decade so I am not really holding my breath even about Phase 1. A report is due in October but no sign yet.
I think I'll prep my keyboard with hand towel coverage in case rdaner-san takes pics of the contents of this cafe of sorts on opening day... /drools
