URBAN!TY and I were down at the site today and caught a picture of the glass for the MLS podium being lifted up for storage/installation (?)

Will post it momentarily or ASAP! :)
Hurray more green glass :rolleyes:
It's probably not that green - considering it's a stack of 4 units (8 panes?).


Fair enough.
The renders (I know, the renders) illustrate varying tints in the glass so I'm hoping for something somewhat pleasing. This is an exciting project, I really hope it rises above mediocrity.
On the GO bus home from TO this morning I noticed there's an awful lot of green glass around. We don't need more.
Nice large mullion free glass panels. A good sign of the building being very glassy much like spire.
The podium could also possibly have different glass than the tower portion, no?
Nice large mullion free glass panels. A good sign of the building being very glassy much like spire.

I think mullion is the newest word that people like throwing around in conversation without really understanding it.

It's curtainwall. By definition it has to have mullions. What else would be taking the vertical load of the system? You can even see the male and female of the interlock that create the mullion in that picture (on the top of the frame you can see the long silverish reveal of one side, and on the bottom you can see the other half of it).

What the glass does appear to be lacking is vertical trim, but even then you couldn't say for sure just yet, since vertical trim needs to be applied after the wall has been put in.
You're taking his "mullion free" comment too literally. What he's saying is that the curtainwall looks like it won't have unsightly wide aluminum mullions between the panes of glass like most condos.
You're taking his "mullion free" comment too literally. What he's saying is that the curtainwall looks like it won't have unsightly wide aluminum mullions between the panes of glass like most condos.

I believe you are the one who is confused grey.

What the glass does appear to be lacking is vertical trim, but even then you couldn't say for sure just yet, since vertical trim needs to be applied after the wall has been put in.
I have a feeling the glass at MLS "mullion" or "mullion free" will be a cut above the average condo. The glass will be something between condo and office. - Because the development is not purely residential / hotel or office.
URBAN!TY posts:

Folks, folks... we were so excited to bring happiness and joy to Urbantoronto by posting the first photo of MLS's glass... but it has only brought wrath and sadness to this place :(

I will have to take down the photo, I fear... :(

HAHA J/K, but seriously, chillax folks.
haha, I don't care what its called, I'm just glad to see that the glass isn't separated into multiple pieces with chunky aluminum trim. Anything that keeps the horizontal distraction to a minimum usually ends up looking much better.

I just think that Toronto is lacking some really beautiful minimal curtain wall applications.
/\/\/\ Yes, this.

I believe you are the one who is confused grey.

We're talking about a continuous window wall uninterrupted by thick gray aluminum mullion (non-structural mullion trim or otherwise).


Healthy glass curtain wall with thin, lean mullions (practically vegetarian):

(ignoring the horizontal mullions on Simcoe and B/A, which are at least made of glass)


Fat-heavy mullion loaded with cholesterol:

(murano by casaguy) (malibu by casaguy)
