In terms of the " square ", the influx of thousands of sports fans will bring momentary colour to this drab space. If the city ever wins anything, the whole stretch clear to the Rogers thingey will be rockin'. The majority of these prospective celebrants don't give a hoot about the aesthetics. MLSE knows where to put a buck, and where not to . Personally, I'm left with admitting it's better than what was there before, a lot like having running toilets.

With that said, would have been nice to line bremner with a few sports bar and really make this street the destination for playoff hockey/basketball/baseball (of course none of those seem to possible at the moment; go jays..)
But where is the SQUARE itself?
No water features , no skulptures , no threes , no benches , nothing , just asphalt...

I agree. Where are the sports fans going to vomit their disappointment after the Leafs/Raptors lose? On pavers? They can do that at home! Give them a ceremonial flower bed to fall into and some park benches to knock over, at least.
With that said, would have been nice to line bremner with a few sports bar and really make this street the destination for playoff hockey/basketball/baseball (of course none of those seem to possible at the moment; go jays..)

Sports bars along Bremner. St Louis, Hoops, and now Real Sports. Not to far away are Jack Astors, Loose Moose, Harbour sports, and Gretzkys. Need any more?
With that said, would have been nice to line bremner with a few sports bar and really make this street the destination for playoff hockey/basketball/baseball (of course none of those seem to possible at the moment; go jays..)

There is already a 'Hoops' on that stretch of road, with another sports bar opening within MLS. As far as playoff celebrations go, our football team has a far better shot at post season than any of our other teams. Go Double Blue.
Sports bars along Bremner. St Louis, Hoops, and now Real Sports. Not to far away are Jack Astors, Loose Moose, Harbour sports, and Gretzkys. Need any more?

Apologize for the mistake. Shows you I haven't been to a game in a while. I was actually speaking about the section on bremner between the foot of the ACC to about Rees street. Would be cool if there were a bunch a patio bars and pubs that would just come alive - with a combo of closing down the street - for playoff games. Of course, not sure how much residents would appreciate that.
Apologize for the mistake. Shows you I haven't been to a game in a while. I was actually speaking about the section on bremner between the foot of the ACC to about Rees street. Would be cool if there were a bunch a patio bars and pubs that would just come alive - with a combo of closing down the street - for playoff games. Of course, not sure how much residents would appreciate that.

That still leaves Hoops, RealSports, and potentially whatever winds up in the ICE complex. Lets just wait until next season when RealSports is open and the Leafs/Raptors are back in town before we go on about the lack of sports bars in the area kay?
Some pics of the common/amenity spaces







That still leaves Hoops, RealSports, and potentially whatever winds up in the ICE complex. Lets just wait until next season when RealSports is open and the Leafs/Raptors are back in town before we go on about the lack of sports bars in the area kay?

RealSports itself will be like several sports is simply massive in scope. 199 big screen HD TVs (including the largest indoor big screen HD TV in North America), 112 beer taps 29 beer brands, etc etc etc. Not sure what the opening date is but it can't be long as they are having their grand opening (invite only) this week.
RealSports itself will be like several sports is simply massive in scope. 199 big screen HD TVs (including the largest indoor big screen HD TV in North America), 112 beer taps 29 beer brands, etc etc etc. Not sure what the opening date is but it can't be long as they are having their grand opening (invite only) this week.

I know and that only further adds to my point that there will be a fair bit of options for sports bars in the area. You don't want to saturate the area (see Entertainment district troubles) so I say wait it out until the Leafs start up and see what kind of demand there is.

It'll be open soon. They used it today to unveil the new sweaters and Dion Phaneuf as the captain. I'll be there on Saturday so I'll try to snap some pics for everyone...
