I'm pretty sure those are not collapsable and while humans can walk around them, patios can't. It looks to me like these might prevent large patios from being built but I hope I'm wrong. Weren't the collapsable poles supposed to be located at the top (Front) and bottom (Esplanade) of the street, to prevent cars from driving on it? (going from east to west) I thought they were there to block off the street from cars, during the summer and allowing cars in during winter. I guess we'll just have to be patient and see what happens. With all the new restaurants and patios on Market Street and in The Berczy, on Church Street, this whole area is going to become one huge dining/drinking area. The Distillery is also becoming quite the restaurant/drinking area and more new restaurants are on the way, there as well. I saw one new place being built recently, with a massive wooden chandelier, that looked quite cool.
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100% they are not collapsable. I saw them installing them and they are bolted to the concrete surface below.
I've been watching progress here keenly but I'm not very excited by that imposing row of metal posts. It just seems to counter everything else about the idea of "pedestrianizing" a street. It says to me "pedestrians stay on this side, and on the other side cars will be speeding by and honking at you." Much like the rest of the city. But I will hold out my judgement until I see the rest of this completed, the workmanship of the curbs and brickwork looks like nice quality.
Today they are installing a SECOND row of REMOVABLE bollards nearer to the centre of the road (right beside the long centre drain) - presumably for the patios. They are startuing to rip up the east side of the street.
Maybe the second row of bollards will support more of this type of street/patio.

Today they are installing a SECOND row of REMOVABLE bollards nearer to the centre of the road (right beside the long centre drain) - presumably for the patios. They are startuing to rip up the east side of the street.

I note that I am now posting in the future (MAY 7) - is this a record?
Excellent project, we need more of these in Toronto, we should no longer settle for mediocrity and demand better for our public spaces.
They probably want to maintain a sidewalk next to the retail entrances. The patios could then float out in the street next to the poles. This is very similar to how many patios are handled throughout Europe. Nyhavn in Copenhagen is handled this way.
