Context Development will present their 18 Lower Jarvis Street project to the design review panel for the first time on April 24. Presentations will be made by Peter Clewes of architectsAlliance.
do you really need a rendering?? just picture Spire or 18 Yorkville or Four Seasons on a podium, probably the hieght of the market.. and you got your rendering...

sure hope I'm wrong!
True enough. aA's towers are distinctive enough to be instantly recognizable, and similar enough to one another to be creating their own context - with minor variations - as each one goes up.
Well if you look closely at the mini preview we've gotten, this tower looks a little different. Seems like they're doing some interesting wavy patterns with the balconies, and the podium also looks a little more exciting that the typical Clewes podium.

I guess we'll find out soon enough, but it could be a cool project. I've talked with the development manager at Context and he seemed pretty excited about the project.
Design Review

I was actually there. Anyone could observe. The panel was unanimous in its support and the panel members such as Ralph Gianonne and Shirley Bloomberg were quite enthusiastic in their support. aA and Context are working towards what looks to be a great building
It has a very 1960's massing to it: almost like a slab from some angles. Prii meets Clewes...?

Many people diss these slabs but you know what? They are very enjoyable to live in and the "park" is actually very well used.

Anyhow, will be interesting to see what other developers request Clewes' "new look." (Recall: it was Spire that came first and was requested to be copied by other developers--Murano etc.)
The revised plan is quite different from the previous plan, while still retaining the massive podium: some forumers will be unhappy that it is now only proposed for 33 storeys!

Design point-of-view: slimmer, taller proposal
Neighbourhood context: both too tall but would settle on the taller, slimmer tower over the impact of a 33 storey block tower

keep in mind, the original plan isn't exactly dead if it follows the same dramatic route of M5V
What happened to the height? Almost 146m down to 109m? I read the article about the community's concerns posted above, but I never thought that it would get chopped down this much. It looks all stumpy now - like a military field hospital trying to be sexy.

What is the matter with this city. I realize that height is a touchy issue, but when it impedes architectural creativeness, I have to say stop. At recent planning meetings, everyone has actually been quite receptive to the additional heights which developers seek. At the 16 York meeting, For example, only one person brought up the fact that they were 216m; everyone was more concerned about the traffic flow in the neighborhood. This means were learning, but its obvious that were still not quite there yet.

With regards to MW, I think this site could easily handle 145-150 meters. aA's design is intriguing and is a nice departure from their usual starkly-chique-box. 109m is ridiculous.
