I've heard that there will be 6 stories of above grade parking due in part or in whole to the contaminated land beneath..
At City Council last week the TEYCC Report on this Project was approved. it says that the developer must "providing funding, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, for a peer review of the soil to clarify and confirm that the provision of below-grade parking is problematic and not recommended for soil contamination reasons." The CC and local groups were not happy with above ground parking and would prefer it to be underground. See:
I think Bentley Mays likes the project. ;)

(the article certainly has some well written descriptions of the building)
Full page ad in today's Globe and Mail...

I like the podium, but the tower portion is really unflattering. This could be so much better, but everyone thinks that since Clewes has designed it that it will definitely be golden Clewes. I don't agree..No, I don't!

The tower is a little 'showey' for Clewes...I like it. I think it will provide a nice view terminus looking down Jarvis.

The picuture above is amazing. You could almost take it for a European city. The intersection to the left of the picture, in front of the building with the copper turret, is begging for a traffic circle with monument, maybe a nice obelisk. I like obelisks :)
I like this rendering much better than the first one we saw. I am still not a huge fan of the tower though... seems a bit out of place for this neighbourhood.

I just realized that the parking lot in question is not all one solid lot... there is a small section that borders on The Esplanade, seperate from the larger south section. In the render it seems that smaller lot will become a treed parkette - a nice touch. ( see both the render and the birds-eye view)
The smaller lot to the north is actually city property and is currently zoned as parkland. This lot will become the temporary "north market" when the real North Market gets redeveloped. Once that's done this lot will actually become a park.
I agree with the consensus: remove the tower and add more stories to the podium.

I'd really prefer to see a five or six storey Mozo/Tip-Top style exension on top of the podium. That would have made it a fantastic addition to this neighbourhood, but I guess it wouldn't have been a profitable venture without the tower :/

I think the tower will stick out like a sore thumb in this location, and it will be an unwelcome departure from the otherwise consistent design of the neighbourhood.
