According the the developer... when the market started really tanking in December/January they decided to split the development into two phases. The loft portion (podium) had higher sales and thus they could proceed with it. Context said that ultimately it made more sense for them to build both at the same time and not split it into two phases. Sales in the tower have improved dramatically over the past few months and they have hit the magic number. It is my understanding that they will proceed with both the tower and podium at the same time.
Thanks for the info bar - I am really looking forward to this project. That space south of the StL Market is like the final piece in the district that hasn't been filled in properly.

Thanks bar, that clears things up.

On another note, does anyone have any information about the one-story pavilion which will occupy the half-block between Market Wharf and the market to the north? I assume this will be some sort of extension of the St. Lawrence market itself, but does anyone have any info on the firm involved or the design they are pursuing?
design ... what design ?? that is a crappy tent structure with a gable roof is proposed on that block between Esplanade + Wilton

thankfully it is only a temporary structure that SHOULD be ripped down in 3 years (after the North Market Building is redeveloped/renovated)
They are erecting a dis- and re-assemble-able structure on the site which, from the looks of it, is the kind of thing that gets put up at the Rexall Tennis Centre to feed people in, when the Rogers Cup blows into town. They are essentially inexpensive temporary barns, and designed for nothing other than expeditiousness.

So just because it's temporary, it should be devoid of any aesthetic appeal? I don't follow your logic here.

I'd rather see the money spent on the permanent building or the parkette that will replace this tent.
I'd rather see the money spent on the permanent building or the parkette that will replace this tent.

Let's be sensible here, the City needs a TEMPORARY building to house the folks in the North Market who will be 'homeless' when it gets torn down (next spring?) and rebuilt. They are proposing to erect a temporary building which can be reused elsewhere when the need for it is over - at which time the Park will be built. Seems like a wise use of City funds to me!
If you were building a house on empty land somewhere, and needed to live there in a temporary shelter while the construction was occurring that will certainly be ripped down afterward, would you really spend a penny more on the temporary shelter than necessary?
Though I'm not advocating some sort of jewel-encrusted structure, I still think this barn does shoot a little low. Renzo did some beautiful temporary structures in wood with cable-stayed roofs back in the 70's - can't something like that appear here?
