How about we critique Market Wharf?

The brick box shaped podium fits in perfectly with the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood ... and the glass tower above with the undulating balconies looks fantastic !

a mightly fine example of new meets old ~
Recent pic

Today the parking lot SOUTH of Phase 1 is closed and their booth has gone. There are also people wandering around as though they might be starting to DO something. I assume the excavation for Phase 2 (the tower) is about to start.
That's excellent news.

Not that I know anything about construction, but I'm surprised that excavation didn't begin at the same time (though I understand they ended up splitting it into 2 phases) because I figured since the tower sits on top of the podium that excavation for "both" would commence in parallel.

In any case, I agree... excellent news... especially since my unit is in phase 2. :)
Not that I know anything about construction, but I'm surprised that excavation didn't begin at the same time (though I understand they ended up splitting it into 2 phases) because I figured since the tower sits on top of the podium that excavation for "both" would commence in parallel.

In any case, I agree... excellent news... especially since my unit is in phase 2. :)

The original plan WAS to do it in one Phase but 'the recession' interverned and they got permission from the City to split it into 2 phases. As the excavation is very shallow (because the parking is, unfortunately, above ground - in the Phase 1 part) the actual excavation is likely to be quite quick and it's very possible both phases will pretty much be completed together.
(because the parking is, unfortunately, above ground - in the Phase 1 part)

Is it preferable for parking to be below ground? I know it's unusual to be above ground. But I do like the idea of having less of a trip to my car and not backtracking to get to street level. But, yes, that means less availability of the building above ground for other uses like more units or amenities.
Is it preferable for parking to be below ground? I know it's unusual to be above ground. But I do like the idea of having less of a trip to my car and not backtracking to get to street level. But, yes, that means less availability of the building above ground for other uses like more units or amenities.

Underground parking is more expensive than above grade parking, however underground parking is more popular because it maximizes density. In the case of MW, the land is contaminated so the developer went with above grade parking so that they don't have to disturb and dispose the contaminated soil which would be expensive. MW did a good job in wrapping the parking podium with flats -- it would be a great feature if your parking space is on the same level as your unit and across the hall.
So excited for this nice chunky, brick podium. Rawr. Oh and the tower won't be bad either :)
