That St. Lawerence Market is one ugly building. It looks like a glorified utility shed/barn. They should raze it and replace it with an uber-modern glass and steel structure. Brick is soooo 20th century.

Just what we need. The 15th new troll poster of the week.
argg when will you guys ever learn ...

Why give them the satisfaction of a response ... just completely ignore!
That St. Lawerence Market is one ugly building. It looks like a glorified utility shed/barn. They should raze it and replace it with an uber-modern glass and steel structure. Brick is soooo 20th century.

You're up too late kid. You've got school in the morning so get to bed.
It's always hard to figure out if a troll is some bored teenager or a pathetic single man who needs to get laid really bad. Actually, that would probably be the case for the teenager, too.
It's always hard to figure out if a troll is some bored teenager or a pathetic single man who needs to get laid really bad. Actually, that would probably be the case for the teenager, too.

Well said there Hipster,..hey wait a minute.. "..pathetic single man who needs to get laid really bad".
I think you probably just described something like 97% of the people on this forum. :D
The easiest way to halt trolls is to stop responding to their posts. Is an entire page devoted to discussing one clearly antagonistic post necessary? Please move on.
Passed by the sales office a few days ago. Whoever buys here should be happy...regardless of what happens to the market, I think this will be one of the few buildings that holds its value. Very nice standard finishes too. I really like the 2 storey townhouses with windows.
Passed by the sales office a few days ago. Whoever buys here should be happy...regardless of what happens to the market, I think this will be one of the few buildings that holds its value. Very nice standard finishes too. I really like the 2 storey townhouses with windows.

Well, we shall see when it's finished but the SALES CENTRE is about to be demolished.

Application: Demolition Folder (DM) Status: Not Started

Location: 1 MARKET ST

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 258281 DEM 00 DM Accepted Date: Sep 15, 2010

Project: Office Demolition

Description: Proposal to demolish existing 1 sty sales centre. "Market Wharf Sales Centre".
You need a permit to build and you need one to demolish - partly to ensure the area is returned to its former state and the street/sidewalk are fixed.

And mostly it's to extort money.
