May 10, 2011.



The Esplanade

The most anticipated parking lot in the area to be developed next should be the one east of the Esplanade Flatiron. The Esplanade streetwall will be complete when that's done.
If you're referring to the one in between the south market & market wharf, that’s not the one I meant.

Magus, are you referring to the one that Travis identified at the southwest corner of Church and the Esplanade? Or is there another I can't think of offhand?

oh right! I agree, that corner desperately needs to be developed.

Yeah that's the one, no worries!

It needs to be developed, but I also think the site is very uniquely sensitive to what's built on it. If done well it could really double the vibe of the strip across from it.
Yeah that's the one, no worries!

It needs to be developed, but I also think the site is very uniquely sensitive to what's built on it. If done well it could really double the vibe of the strip across from it.

I agree it needs to be developed. While The Esplanade has a decent vibe, I think it needs some more pumped into it. What do you think? I love SLM and The Esplanade has a lot to offer, but I think there's room for more street life.
