Yeah. Who says weird? Just people like that other loser, Shakespeare!

Anyway, if you're done with the ad hominem bit why not tell us why those buildings have merit? I'd say the first is a complete train wreck. The second fine but not in Toronto please. The others unobjectionable but hardly better designed than MW.

I like Market Wharf, and I do think there is a bit of an apples and orangutans dimension to the comparison to Aqua; one being so simple and refined, and the other approaching a digital version of Gaudi-ike topographical biomorphism.

But however successful Market Wharf is on its own terms, I don’t think any great claims can be made for any particular originality of the wavy balcony basket-weave effect…

As with most things in Toronto, and certainly with a lot of the things that Clewes has been involved in, these kinds of gestures read like entry-level or junior versions of more daring experiments done in other places—places with bigger budgets, and developers that are more adventurous.

It’s not his fault, he is working with tight fisted individuals who, if they are not direct descendants of the Scots who used to dominate Muddy York, they are certainly as inspired in their penny pinching….

We can try to try to turn this into a virtue if want, and some on this forum do....

i didn't say they were better.



I wonder if they will try taking the crane down this weekend? Obviously due to the weather last weekend didn't happen.
Look at the bevelled underside cladding - if that's not detailing, I don't know what is!


It really looks great in person. I hope yet also doubt they will use the same treatment on the underside of the balconies. That would sure be nice

It might reduce the ceiling height of the balconies and interrupt the wave effect replicated on the floors of the tower, so that might not be a good thing.

Understand what you are saying about ceiling heights, but I'm not sure how it will interrupt the wave effect (I know you are going to have an explanation for me :) )

You're right that I do! :) Take a look at your first shot and imagine how a bevelled ceiling cladding on all the floors will actually create multiple waves that distract from the simple lines created by the vertical balcony glass and the ceiling.

Thanks! I understand what you mean now. I revise my statement to hoping that they use the same cladding for the underside, sans bevel.
It's been stated more than once in this thread that they'll be painting the underside of the balconies… but I am trying to imagine what it would look like with the metallic cladding. Very eye-catching in its shininess, but maybe too institutional?
