What is the height of the currently built east tower of MaRS?

The proposed 102.1m sounds to be a significant increase over what was built in the first phase.

The height of the east tower is 76m, and it has 15 floors.

The previous proposal for the west tower, according to urbandb.com, was for 17 floors

Does anyone know if new renderings or a planning report with the site plan/elevations etc is available?

Including mechanical the structure will be 112.7m which is fairly tall for the area.
when i asked at doors open, i was told that construction is slated for summer 2007, but will probably shift to winter/spring 2008...a completion date of 2009-2010.
A bit off topic but.....

TORONTO_(CP) _ - Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will sign deals this week to boost stem cell research and to find a low carbon fuel alternative.

Government sources say the stem cell agreement will be signed at the MaRS Discovery District research centre in Toronto.

The sources say McGuinty will announce that $30 million from the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research will be earmarked for the Cancer Stem Cell Consortium of researchers in Ontario and California.

Schwarzenegger is a leading advocate of stem cell research because he believes it will lead to medical breakthroughs to treat and find "a cure for deadly and debilitating diseases."

Most of the governor's Republican colleagues, including President George Bush, oppose stem cell research because embryos are destroyed in the process.

Schwarzenegger and McGuinty will also sign a clean-air agreement at the Ontario legislature Wednesday to cut the amount of carbon generated by fossil fuels to help lower greenhouse gas emissions.
I wonder how significant Toronto will become in the field of research and development? I think it has a great future in it, MaRS is only the begining.. I hope.
At doors open they indicated that the present rendering for phase II is out of date implying both in size and design. The phase I tower has something like 400,000 sqft, the phase II tower is being designed for up to 1,000,000 sqft. My guess would be that the phase II tower has a larger footprint and will be built to the lot line on university but still would have to ramp up the number of storeys significantly.

They apparently have really strong demand for start-up space but no room left in the first phase. The Ontario Institute for Cancer research (mentioned in the article) is still unpacking but they plan to hire 50 primary researchers and 500-1000 new staff in the next few years and plan to expand 80,000 sqft into the phase II building.
Let's hope they get some better architecture for this new phase. While the first phase was ok, it's ultimately kind of dull and conservative. @University&College, we need something inspiring and complementary to the UofT building.
I think the interior space and the overall attention to detail is excellent. I can't really think of way to make it much better except blowing a ton of money on frill frippery which, frankly, would be better spent on equipment and research. IMHO.
UW math faculty opening new office in MaRS District

Originally posted by WaterlooInvestor on SSP:

UW math faculty opening new office in MaRS District
WATERLOO (May 29, 2007)

University of Waterloo is shooting for MaRS.

Today, the university's math faculty is opening an office in what's known as MaRS Discovery District in downtown Toronto.

It's being called UW@MaRS.

Opening an office in a dynamic innovation district is a way for UW's math and computer science researchers to get closer to the action in advanced medical and health care research, said Tom Coleman, UW dean of mathematics.

The office will fuel interaction between UW scientists and the hospitals, companies and government bodies that are already represented there, he said.

"It's an amazing incubation-type centre full of companies in the health and medical field," Coleman said. "We thought we could play a role in solving some of the problems" they encounter.

"Behind every new cure and improved medical procedure lies models, clinical studies, software and databases."

Projects could include building mathematical modelling tools to help solve health-care waits and hospital bed allocation, he said.

UW, which has the only mathematics faculty in North America, has expertise in many other areas, including cryptography for the security of health information.

The MaRS centre is at the heart of the "Discovery District," which is two square kilometres in downtown Toronto devoted to innovation.

The centre opened in 2005 after business and community leaders formed a not-for-profit corporation to promote commercialization of research and technology.

The first phase was designed and built around the former Toronto General Hospital.

The facility is filled with more than 65 tenants including researchers, companies, business service providers, networking organizations and venture capital groups, the MaRS website says.

UW's office, which includes a conference room, private office and 10 workstations, is located in the heritage building and has room for 12 people. Those who use it will include undergraduate co-op students, research consultants and visiting faculty and researchers.

Eventually, it's expected the office will have about four to six full-time employees, Coleman said.

He said the aim is for the office to be able to pay for itself in two years, through contracts, research engagements and other means.

MaRS doesn't stand for anything, the website explains.

At one time, the words "medical and related sciences" were attributed to it, but the words have been dropped from the name.
This is good news, this a nice intersection and a building complementing the OHG building across the street would be a nice touch here.
i care more about what gets discovered in this building VS. how it looks. :)
We can have both! I agree that the one is more important than the other, but the two goals are not mutually exclusive. I believe that good architectural design always benefits anything related to the development in hard to calculate ways too.

We can have both! I agree that the one is more important than the other, but the two goals are not mutually exclusive. I believe that good architectural design always benefits anything related to the development in hard to calculate ways too.


i agree
