Thanks for the pics.

Anyone think it should have responded to the Hydro Building (is it still hydro?) across the street as a "gateway" to University Ave? The assymetry of the streetwall is jarring. Or will the plaza at the hydro building be eventually filled in?

I was just going to say the same.... I wish they had gone for a rounded corner like the Hydro building.

That picture just looks odd because of its asymmetry.
I agree also, though responding to the Hydro building (and the Frost building) don't need to mean making it curved. In fact, that would probably be a recipie for disaster. A complimentary cylindrical element (Swiss Re?) might have been nice, if expensive and impractical. But nice.
There is a distorted symmetry in the way the Hydro building and Frost are curved on the diagonal of the College & University intersection while Pharmacy and MaRS II are boxes on the other diagonal. Seeing as how no other buildings encroach upon Queen's Park, I hope MaRS II is set back far enough.

Aside: I think there's a 2 minute limit on editing posts without the "edit" stamp appearing...I'm now completely used to changing everything immediately after posting.
I like it - just a few things.

1. It seems to pay respect to phase I on the eastern side of the building where it's appropriate.
2. It also respects the Hydro building on the western side. At least in colour.
3. In the aerial view, phase II, while taller than the Hydro building, it doesn't dominate it in a disrespectful way. Also, both buildings have taller (mechanical?) elements to the building facing away from University Ave.
4. The north side of the building in a way mirrors the north side of Phase I in that there's a visible vertical element to both buildings.

As for the little vertical glass strips throughout the building, I like them and don't feel they detract in any negative way. My only problem with the building is that it looks like the architects might have tried to fit in a bit too much and am worried the end result may look a little jumbled. But hey, this is a massive expansion for that sector so I give it a thumbs up :)
I like the University Ave. treatment but I wonder what this looks like from the East and South? I imagine it must appear rather bulky.

It's too bad they didn't take the opportunity to turn that big blank roof into a green oasis for employees. Would have made a great outdoor space.
It's puzzling why they feel the need for an "iconic" west tower given the roaring success of MaRS in attracting new business based in part - one assumes - on the attractive style and functional practicality of the existing buildings.

There is nothing "iconic" about what they've come up with, other than the use of starchitect lingo to describe it in the media bumf. More than anything, it reminds me of the fashion-conscious recladding of that office building on the south west corner of King and University that took place a few years ago.
I like the building just fine, and I think it is perfectly appropriate for a complex like this to have 'parts' to it, and even a little incongruity. Having the old wing surrounded by two identical towers - or even worse, similar ones - would feel too classic, too chateau-like (with all due respect to Jules Hardouin Mansart). I also find it somewhat excusable if we are becoming a little tired of the polite box, no matter how elegant, for we certainly have our fair share of them. So, if starchitecture be the food of on! and give me excess of it.

A little nit-picky point, however...I do share the opinion of some here in thinking that a rounded edge along University, rather than a sharp one, would have been a nice nod to Hydro, and could have offered an opportunity for a landmark urban vista to go along with their landmark building...
The original design of the west tower was similar to, though different from, the east tower and not identical to it.

From the promotional bumf:

"Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. has been selected as the development partner for an iconic new building which will anchor the city's biomedical corridor in the Discovery district of Toronto. To be developed on the most prominent street corner in Toronto at University Avenue and College Street ..."

The language of starchitecture without the substance.
From the promotional bumf:

"... To be developed on the most prominent street corner in Toronto at University Avenue and College Street ..."

I addition to the moratorium on calling every new bus shelter, office building and apartment "iconic" (which moratorium I fully support), I propose a ban on referring to any intersection as the most important, most prominent, etc. Because it seems in the land of the marketeers, as well as at Urban Toronto, there is no consensus as to whether Yonge & Dundas, University & Queen, University & College or Yonge & Bloor is the most important/prominent/fabulous/whichever. When, in reality, none of them are very important.
the most prominant street corner in toronto?

Is the corner down the street from me. I see it most often of all the street corners in Toronto therefore it is most prominant to me. My favourite street corner (and a former "my street corner"): Brunswick and Bloor.

Can 427/QEW be considered a "corner?" That one gets some heavy traffic;)
Well, I would consider two intersections in Toronto to deserve the title "most prominent", depending on the context: Yonge & Bloor (intersection of the two principal streets of Toronto) and King & Bay (MINT ground zero).

No other intersections need apply.

I kind of see this project as a return to the pre-war vertical factory. Since we have a post-industrial economy, having 10M square feet of biotech researchers toiling away in labs and fume hoods is somewhat equivalent to the beehive of workers cranking out Fords in an Albert Kahn-designed assembly plant.
Mars phase II Model







Thanks for those pics. I almost forgot about this building and how much I liked it.
