I've never been proven wrong when I post an announcement about a project. Many here can confirm that I'm always on ball when it comes to anything Mississauga.

I'm looking forward to the press conference when all the details will be presented.

You don't know when that will be happening? Can you guess an approximate time?
I don't think you understand. It can't be MaRS because most of MaRS is already built and is running. It is likely a similar but most likely smaller project for Mississauga of the same idea. Also, why would this be kept under wraps for so long, the press would be sure to get a hold of something of this magnitude, not to mention, the city (Toronto) would have something to say about it.
I've never been proven wrong when I post an announcement about a project. Many here can confirm that I'm always on ball when it comes to anything Mississauga.

I'm looking forward to the press conference when all the details will be presented.


...it may be a regional office - not MaRS
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There are still a handful of workers on site today. Most sections within the poured areas have been boarded up and three cranes remain on site.
i used to work at mars when phase 2 was almost finished. i was a painter and mover.

i am very much in love with this project for its desire to innovate and explore, and generally improve the university and college intersection whichc has become a landmark thanks to u of t. but quite honestly, sometimes this project is a mess.

a building under construction is like a baby. it wont listen to you, it will never follow safety regulations, and it has no interest in its tenants. hopefully this building will get back on track and outshine its underachieving sisters in phase 1 and 2.
In what way does phase 1+2 underachieve?
So, phases I and II were developmentally handicapped?


sorry, let me clarify by underachieving, that might be a little harsh.

i just think phse 1 and 2 could have been more dynamic. the metal and glass, to me, seems kinda tacked on like lego. i've always felt you could 'peel' that building apart.

THAT ASIDE, having worked inside the building, i was more disappointed. just lots of dry wall and ugly grey paint. construction guys often criticized the architect for being impractical...ie the service elevators were located in awkward places and the loading dock is almost impossible to navigate if you are a truck driver.

i must say, if any of you get the chance though, try getting inside phase 2 and riding the elevator up to the 8th floor. you get an amazing view of the city and as you leave the glass podium, it feels like you're soaring out in willy wonka's great glass elevator.
and yes the projects were very delayed. the fire alarm system for example didnt work for a few months and the building was comically overrun with security guards who would walk around looking for fire...that is, mostly being bored and sleeping.

if you guys have any questions about MaRS in general, i'd be more than happy to provide whatever insight i have.
I really love this project... its tremendous. I hope some of the upcoming kickstart dollars will be available to get this back up and running!
I've never been proven wrong when I post an announcement about a project. Many here can confirm that I'm always on ball when it comes to anything Mississauga.

I'm looking forward to the press conference when all the details will be presented.


That would be a shame. The whole point is to be right in the middle of the things, with a large part of that being the hospital network so close by!
I'm a little surprised the cranes are still up for this project ...
Any idea why?
