I don't believe that there is a proposal, now, to be totally frank about it. I think this is all fiction.
Some interior shots of 205 Yonge from the above thread:



Thanks for posting the photos Mongo, what retailers wouldn't want to lease amazing spaces like these?!
Those photos are outstanding. If it was up to me both of these buildings would either be FULLY incorporated into the design or moved to a safe location. A facade-only preservation would make me cringe knowing what once was
Here's what 80 storeys would look like in boxy form.

This invented plan leaves 205 Yonge basically untouched, and puts the bulk of the tower through the existing park space and the rear half of 199 Yonge.
So - that's a bit of a touchup at the rear of the north building, and a hard work at the rear of the south one. To make the box even-fronted, part of the floorplate is cantilevered out over and above the retained elements 199 Yonge to make it flush.

I figure there would be very little room for setbacks.






From Jarvis and Queen:

On the skyline:
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I think we on the forum should continue to be somewhat careful about random postings by real estate agents: 100 storey tower here, 80 storey tower here! I've said it before about the supposed tall bldgs in yorkville.

As for these buildings - 197 Yonge Street has a funny plot of land that curves up all the way to Victoria and includes that small sliver of land south of Massey Hall... Believe the address is 170 victoria. Both of these buildings are owned by separate parties so any sort of construction would be complicated and involve MULTIPLE parties. 197 is owned by parasuco, 205 is owned by some sort of errant Irish landlord.

A couple of ppl have kicked the can at doing something here - but the cost is enormous.
80 stories is phenomenal!!!... honestly, i think they should go with many many setbacks (Like a Willis Tower on steroids) or a slopped/curved facade that pushes away from Yonge street.
Is this all really just speculation based on that sketchy real estate agents website? As awesome as it would be to have something this tall on that land, this rumour smells fishier than baldwin street on a hot day.
to which there is a simple solution.

Which is....? Liens on the property do not work unless the owner is actually delinquent. Earlier in this thread, the question was how the city could get in touch with the owner of 205 to "make something happen."

If it were truly simple, we would not have a "demolition by neglect" problem. Many of these absentee owners are likely current in their property taxes, but do not otherwise respond to communication from anyone. And if they're current in their taxes, not a heck of a lot the city can do until the property starts deteriorating badly--and at that point, it's too late. It's their property, and unless it's a danger to someone, they can do with it as they please. And the city doesn't exactly have a huge staff to go finding absentee property owners just because many of us on this board would like to see the property restored. They barely have enough staff to cope with actively deteriorating, dangerous buildings.
Come-on, the City of Toronto at one time owned them and were the biggest culprits of letting them deteriorate.
By the way i believe the south building is 197 Yonge... and 199-201 Yonge is the empty lot (former Colonial Tavern)

True for the south building, but 205 was beautifully restored and housed the Toronto Historical Board (now Heritage Toronto) for a few years.
