Not sure if this deserves another thread or if it should go here, but Brian Persaud and Matthew Slutsky are reporting that Mod Developments (of Five Condos fame) have purchased 197 Yonge. Some more info:

Brian feels that this project will be at least 60s. Time will tell.

there it is people! now does my post from Nov 10th make a sense? three guesses who the architect is....and the first two guesses don't count.
Considering how successful Five is at working with heritage buildings, this should be promising. Looking forward to the renderings.

Maybe Mod will stick with HP?
Graziani + Corazza Architects? (kidding....imagine the horror show that they would inflict!)
As long as it restores those two bank buildings and DOESN'T gut them, I'll be happy.
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The inside of that bank building is wonderful! They better not gut it. I hope the public has access to it and it doesn't become just a condo amenity room.

If it does become a condo I think it would make a fantastic lobby. Though then it might have to choose between one of the two.. Hm.
