Two stunning heritage buildings, and a beautiful parkette are going to be ruined by a monstrous condo tower with an awful podium right on yonge street. How unfortunate for the city.

Totally disagree. One heritage building is being completely untouched while the other is being saved from degradation (and ultimately demolition or destruction) due to disuse. Furthermore, the only reason that parkette is now beautiful is because the developer prettied it up a couple weeks ago in order that their condo sales centre wouldn't look like it was adjacent to a dirty vacant lot. Without this condo it would still be an empty lot surrounded by a chain-link fence.

This tower will bring heritage preservation, retail, density and beautiful architecture to Yonge, and is, in my opinion, the ideal scenario for this property and the city.
Well said folks. Massey Tower and FIVE are my two favorate condo projects right now for reasons I've stated many times. I'm also keeping a close eye on L Tower, X2, Exhibit, Market Wharf and Karma.
Krystyn Wong-Tam tweeted a photo of the interior of the Bank of Toronto building:

They would be cheapening the heritage building if the mosaic tile flooring wasn't properly preserved. I'd really like to see more contemporary buildings with such artistry for flooring, and more attention paid to interesting and beautiful flooring and paving in general. It's an aspect of design that's simply neutral and forgettable in many new buildings. I think Trump is on the right track, though it's more of a pattern than an artistic mosaic:



Did he crack a tile?
This tower will bring heritage preservation, retail, density and beautiful architecture to Yonge, and is, in my opinion, the ideal scenario for this property and the city.

Yes i agree......Hopefully by the end of the day, they can also throw another 5-10 storeys to the final height
THose floor tiles look fantastic. That Bank Of Toronto also looks incredible. I hope it's put to some good use, with public access, soon.
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I think it would be pretty cool if they managed to re-open it as a bank after the construction of the tower is finished, rather than using it as some chain clothing store or something. Stick with the original use, with the original (or replicated, depending on the condition of the original) decor.
Massey Tower is the most impressive and best conceived development going on in downtown Toronto right now. I hope it succeeds wildly. There are so many benefits to this development.
Massey Tower is the most impressive and best conceived development going on in downtown Toronto right now. I hope it succeeds wildly. There are so many benefits to this development.

I guess it's a matter of taste, I liked the initial rendering a lot more. The design of the mechanical looks a bit too bold for my liking. As for benefits, the major one I can think of is the restoration of the bank (despite it being tuned into a condo lobby). The major downside to this project (as well as many others like it on Yonge) is the added stress to the Yonge subway line, and in this case the 501 Queen route as well. On the plus side, pushing those transit lines beyond their capacity would probably become a catalyst for new subway lines. Then again, all the tenants of these new buildings will hopefully just walk or bike to work.
