It's quite a complex design - you should see the thickness of some of the concrete walls in this tower.

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Original Post
From today's Globe, an article by Lisa Rochon:

Architecture Lisa Rochon chooses five buildings that give back to the city

Massey Tower. Hariri Pontarini Architects; MOD Developments.

The Massey Tower near Queen and Yonge is one of the most elegant juxtapositions of contemporary lightness and heritage gravitas to be proposed for Toronto. Until Gary Switzer came along with his newly launched development company, nobody wanted to touch the Canadian Bank of Commerce Building (designed by Darling & Pearson in 1905), which has been abandoned since 1987 and considered one of the city’s most at-risk heritage buildings. The 60-storey clear glass tower with gently curved balconies is inserted behind the Beaux-Arts relic on a diminutive site. The bank itself will get a $2-million restoration that will transform its first three storeys, and the development will provide the land for an expansion of Massey Hall just behind it. The project is set to break ground this fall.
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Application: Partial Permit Status: Not Started

Location: 197 YONGE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 13 237742 SHO 00 PP Accepted Date: Sep 20, 2013

Project: Mixed Use/Res w Non Res Partial Permit - Shoring

Description: Part Permit - Proposal to construct a new 60 storey mixed use building (plus a mechanical penthouse and an elevator mechanical room), comprising of 697 dwelling units to the rear of the heritage building. A proposed podium is 9-storey's containing the lobby to be located within the heritage building, above grade parking (floors 3 to 8), amenity uses (floors 9 and 10) and retail uses at grade and level 2 in the area currently used as private open space adjacent the heritage building on the north side. There are 131 above grade parking spaces proposed. One below grade level is proposed to include mechanical and service areas and bicycle parking. The application proposes to retain the front portion of the existing heritage building (Bank Building) on the premises.
Damn how many awards is this building going to get? Not that I'm not happy for the developers, architects et al., but can we build this thing and then see some awards? I don't usually get like this but damn I really don't want to keep waiting for this building.
Damn how many awards is this building going to get? Not that I'm not happy for the developers, architects et al., but can we build this thing and then see some awards? I don't usually get like this but damn I really don't want to keep waiting for this building.

As reported above, the building permit was applied for last week.....
At the Doors Open event here back in May, reps for the developer said perhaps this year or early next year. It just seems like we have been waiting a long time...but it only launched in March 2012. So to start construction on such a tall building within two years of being launched seems normal.
Ok, this is almost like porn. Massey Tower in 4D and time-lapse of the construction phase. Very cool!
