Ae shadows dead liar then falling glass in Toronto or what .. I personally don't understand issues with shadows no matter how it's examined and explained. It's a shadow. Period. Thanks! JMO! (just my oppinon)walk a few steps and Theres the sun. Problem solved.and also considering all of the glass in the city eventually reflected sunlight will reach the sunles spots. Again problem solved.

Good grief!
Well, if something is blocking in-coming sunlight, then there will be no reflection. Reality works that way.
Entire site has been fenced in.

^ I was thinking the same thing. I am sure that I have seen similar photographs of an old church floor being chipped away to reveal an even older Byzantine mosaic underneath.
Those pictures are ridiculous!

Love them.

And for once I actually agree with AoD on something.
This building is going to be gorgeous. It's amazing the quality of workmanship that when into such things in those days. I suspect that this development will be one of the fasting selling we've seen lately. It has "winner" all over it.
The beautiful thing is that, even if this tower doesn't go through because of a collapse in the real estate market, the old bank will have been fully restored regardless. This development is already paying dividends.
The pink marble staircase to the second floor. The wall to the right is not original and will be removed to expose the restored staircase to the new lobby:





What a gem it is. We're very lucky that this is being saved before it deteriorated too far.
The interior is presently in bad shape but clearly has many beautiful details. Some suggested before this development came to light that this heritage building could be reduced to a facade, and that only the next door Bank of Toronto by EJ Lennox merited full preservation. The photos above make it clear that the city would lose something substantial if that scenario prevailed.
