Will a downtown IKEA ever happen??? I mean, it's considered a BigBox store and we know how some very vocal downtowners feel about any bigbox stores,..... remember the fight against urban format (half size) Walmart @ Bathurst at old KromerRadio site,.... or HomeDepot on QueenWest near Bathurst,... or even various Loblaws supermarkets including the one going in near KensingtonMarket,... let's face it, the typical size of an IKEA makes these regular BigBox stores (Walmart, HomeDepot, etc,...) look like little mom&pops stores,.... so it's not just the nieghbourhood NIMBY opposition, politics, but also the financials in terms of the amount of real estate needed, the cost of such a large plot of land and would it ever be profitable for IKEA?,.... after all IKEA already got downtowner (even like you) going to the suburban IKEA.
Hmmm,.. would this Queen Street West MEC (40,480 sq feet) count as bigbox store??? If the retail space is 90,000 square feet or more as the urban format Walmart - that would be considered bigbox
The parking lot isn't so bad,.... it's an open space in an area lacking of open space,.... yes, it's open space for cars,... but people use it for various activities,.... and it does serve as a staging area for the various freebies samples at are often given out at the corner of Queen Street West & Soho/Peter,..... and that's part of the fun of going to this area, you never know what freebie you might get at this corner,.... sometimes, multiple different freebies (chips, drinks, gums, candy, lotions, food, sunglasses, bags, hats, etc,...) ,.... sometimes nothing,.... those freebies samples will likely disappear when this MEC start construction and they close the parking lot since there will be nowhere for the van/truck full of freebies to park,.... that'll be a chacteristic of Queen Street West that I'll miss,...