The building certainly is nice.

I like it because it seems to give the area a visual identity from far away. Before I saw a cluster of boring old buildings, but now I see these towers and instantly recognize the neighborhood.

From the west or east, It is now much easier to identify main parts of the city from recognizable towers. (Downtown has the financial district, Dundas Square will have Aura, Yorkville will have 1 Bloor, and St. Claire has Minto Midtown)
but now I see these towers and instantly recognize the neighborhood.

From the west or east, It is now much easier to identify main parts of the city from recognizable towers. (Downtown has the financial district, Dundas Square will have Aura, Yorkville will have 1 Bloor, and St. Claire has Minto Midtown)

I guess not...

Its Yonge/Eglinton
I've got a new camera and just removed all my skating photos, just need to charge battery for tomorrow. Will have lots of photos. Hoping to meet Allan Greenberg and thank him for helping me with some issues. The courtyard looked gorgeous tonight when I got home as they had blue mini lights up everywhere and they had a stage and spotlights set up for the opening. The concierge desk is finally finished, rest of lobby still under construction. I forgot to ask if the condo facilities opened Friday or not while I was away. They were already 3 weeks later than originally announced.

I have over 1000 skating photos to review and edit, but will try to get photos up from the opening (and hopefully the facilities!) as soon as it's over tomorrow.

I should have opened my blinds earlier to see if anyone was using the pool as then I would know I could go down and take photos of the facilities. Now I'm royally pissed, the flippin' ladders are back in front of my balcony where anyone can use them to climb onto it, and I was away for 4 days so God knows how long they've been back. GRRRR

The building certainly is nice.

I like it because it seems to give the area a visual identity from far away. Before I saw a cluster of boring old buildings, but now I see these towers and instantly recognize the neighborhood.

From the west or east, It is now much easier to identify main parts of the city from recognizable towers. (Downtown has the financial district, Dundas Square will have Aura, Yorkville will have 1 Bloor, and St. Claire has Minto Midtown)

Yes, I flew Porter Air on Thursday and was able to see the building from the airplane, very cool.

Pics from courtyard opening - oops just noticed link was to a single pic, here's album link -

Pics of lobby to come soon, concierge desk is finished finally and very cool (all marble panels with lights shining through them). They were trying to figure out how to attach the marble slabs to the lobby fireplace in the lobby yesterday. There were a lot of stick and clamps holding up the two they got up before all people arrived for the opening.

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Facilities are open, lobby has furniture but not quite done. Pics coming shortly, heading out now while 3rd floor still empty, new and shiny hehe.

That atrium is public correct?

At first you may doubt the success of such a place but there is a very similar building in NYCC ... forgot the name now but it's south of NYCC near the moxies. There's a little park between the buildings like that and it's heavily used in the summer! It's a little more open then this one though so we'll have to see
Yes the courtyard is public and some people have been using it today. Only a handful, but more are starting to notice it. It doesn't help that all of a sudden we have construction, but this time, city work, in front of the Starbucks/north tower entrance!!! I took a couple of pics of that just to show the construction hadn't magically disappeared lol. Didn't post them.

Hmmm, just noticed my link to opening of courtyard pics was to a single pic instead of album, will fix it. Here's correct link

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finally got a chance to go through all the photos you posted Mary ... Minto Midtown looks great !! thanks for your effort in sharing these photos :)
Does anyone have any pics from before the towers were built? I'm doing a project for urban planning on this development, and need to find pics from before development the old govt office building and the parking area/park.

Thanks guys,

Guess Does anyone by chance know where to look for the original planning report on this project or the final planning report? I tried to find it on the city website but couldn't seem to get those. Would they eve still be up on their site being 4 years old or so?
