From this morning.



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For some reason I originally thought that the equally hideous office building directly across the street from this one was the one getting redeveloped (which I hope happens sooner than later).
I would be a big fan of a pedestrian only zone in here. Kensington too. Its only a matter of time - wonder if it is in my lifetime.
Hmm. I notice the derelict streets here. Anyone know if/when this area is getting the revamp?
Huh?, i see no bent wooden hydro poles with overhead wires, the streetscape looks pretty slick and well maintained....whats so derelict??
Alright, so I was being melodramatic. Point is, the revamp elsewhere in this nabe hasn't yet happened here, and that's what I was inquiring into.
The BIA can only afford so much at one time, plus it was considered a bad idea to rebuild Bellair and Cumberland until this very project was complete. Trucks will make a mess of these streets soon.

