High rises didn't ruin Queen's quay, a crappy public realm and crappy streetlevel did. The height of the buildings are far from the reason Queens Quay is a failure.
Agreed, and there's virtually nothing similar about the Champs Elysées to this stretch of Lake Shore.

Between this development and Park Lake immediately to the east, there must be enough residents to keep a coffee shop and a convenience store going. In the summertime, visitors to the parks to the south would represent a small improvement to the flow.

To the west of this site across Windermere is a City-owned site that's large enough for one more point tower. Add that to the mix, and there must be enough potential residents with these two blocks to support a couple more shops beyond that. Dry cleaners anyone?

The public realm has to be substantially better than the sterile and uninspiring podium of the Park Lake towers next door.
They haven't done a thing with that historic Joy gas station across Lake Shore Blvd. W.


Still think it could be used as a bike shop and bike repair shop, during the summer at least.
It's in parkland now, so no, not a gas station!

They haven't done a thing with that historic Joy gas station across Lake Shore Blvd. W.

By the time the Joy gas station gets some attention, the apparent planned skateboard park across the street, and NXT's sales office turning into a parkette, Carttera's lake shore condo will be historic. Everything gets neglected here.
Park Lake next please!

Anyone knows what the status of this project? I live in this neighborhood and I think most people here dont want to see these two tower coming into this location. I dont understand how can the city allow 2000 people to be added to this community and we dont have any retails here with walking distance.
I agree that the lack of retail is an issue but at the same time I do imagine it would be difficult to get the critical mass of foot traffic here to make a store (or stores) viable. With regard to the towers, could you elaborate on why you don't want them?

Welcome to the forum btw.
