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Mr. Gillespie has a question: Why, in this prime spot in downtown Toronto, is there so little activity on the street?

Because it's a rainy Saturday morning! :rolleyes: Stand there on a week day or on a Saturday afternoon when the weather is nice, and you will see a hell of a lot more activity!
Yea, that's a silly comment to make, its plenty busy many times of the day .. not to say I don't agree with the overall idea .. maybe he's just trying to sell it ? : )
Interesting article in the Globe, looks like there will be an announcement by the end of the month:

Interesting article. I've never heard so much nonsense from a developer. He talks about "tempering the economics," yet it has to be profitable to be sustainable. He's a developer, so he knows this. All his talk about activism and raising the bar is empty talk. Let's just see the proposal. He sounds like a good salesman though.
Yeah, not a lot of substance as of yet. No doubt there's lots happening behind the scenes. Maybe the guy is testing the waters a bit, looking to guage public reaction, see how ready the city is for a comprehensive, fairly dramatic change to that corner.
Sad that this won't be a BIG project, but Henriquez Partners have done great work in BC, so there is cause for optimism.
It doesn't matter. It's iconic. To lose it for some glass boxes would diminish the area's sense of place.

Henriquez Partners designs quality buildings, but they're ordinary buildings with some novel flourishes.
I can't imagine high rise buildings being approved here - this is a low rise area at best.

Does anyone know what the current zoning permits here?
It doesn't matter what the current zoning permits here. The City's zoning is out of date and was made so when the by-laws were not updated after the enactment of the Ontario Places To Grow plan. At Bathurst and Bloor the buildings will be at least mid-rise.

I can't imagine high rise buildings being approved here - this is a low rise area at best.

Does anyone know what the current zoning permits here?

I can't imagine anything lower than 10 stories being built here. The fact that Bathurst/Bloor is considered a low rise area is pretty ridiculous and only shows how our zoning laws didn't keep up with growth of the city.

And no matter how iconic the Honest Ed's is perceived by certain people, it has nothing to do with what will be proposed and built on this location.
