I hope the west side of the building, facing the park, puts in retail that benefits from the location, like a cafe, restaurant or bar. That area is suitable for patios and outside dining. A medical clinic, nail salon or pot shop does not benefit in any way by facing a public park. It would be a huge, missed opportunity to fill those prime retail spaces with the wrong businesses. You need to think long-term, not just take the first dental clinic that comes along.

Not only that but I would think this development would be a bit too upscale for a Popeyes or a pot shop. I'm surprised, I was expecting something more interesting or unique.
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I hope the west side of the building, facing the park, puts in retail that benefits from the location, like a cafe, restaurant or bar. That area is suitable for patios and outside dining. A medical clinic, nail salon or pot shop does not benefit in any way by facing a public park. It would be a huge, missed opportunity to fill those prime retail spaces with the wrong businesses. You need to think long-term, not just take the first dental clinic that comes along.

Not only that but I would think this development would be a bit too upscale for a Popeyes or a pot shop. I'm surprised, I was expecting something more interesting or unique.
Not sure I want to be on a patio beside a major highway... It's incredibly noisy and dirty right beside the Gardiner. They're luck to have retail their period.
Not sure I want to be on a patio beside a major highway... It's incredibly noisy and dirty right beside the Gardiner. They're luck to have retail their period.
When Queens Quay is fixed up the south end of the terrace MIGHT be OK for a patio but I agree the northern end (right @ Lake Shore and below the Gardiner is not prime patio territory.
