I find that the podium and tower do work well together, with a similar sense of geometry and rhythm. However, the colour of the glass and the colour the precast could have been better matched. It's not an outstanding combination of colours, though it's far from ugly. It harmonizes beautifully with Aqualina to the south.
Visible from St Jamestown

I agree. Like they don't belong together.

I really think that it depends on the perspective. From down on the water, the building seems to flow well with Aqualina and the tower design makes sense. From a high elevation, particularly behind the Gardiner, the tower does look a bit strange.
The only minor complaint, like many in the thread is the abrupt shift between the podium and the tower.

The podium is a bit too solid (perhaps reflective of Safdie's other designs), and could have benefited from larger windows on the upper terraces to create a transition into the tower. Moreso, until the plantings come in (hopefully!), the podium cladding lacks definition- the horizontal lines on the panels could have been stronger.

But overall, this is still the best tower on the waterfront, bar none.
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The only minor complaint, like many in the thread is the abrupt shift between the podium and the tower.

The podium is a bit too solid (perhaps reflective of Safdie's other designs), and could have benefited from larger windows on the upper terraces to create a transition into the tower. Moreso, until the plantings come in (hopefully!), the podium cladding lacks definition- the horizontal lines on the panels could have been stronger.

But overall, this is still the best tower on the waterfront, bar none.
Yep, I agree. It doesn't entirely hang together. But it wins on quality of materials alone.
