8 March 2014: is the cat excited or what?
The setback looks arbitrary.
It probably is, but I will actually appreciate the extra sidewalk space. Ossington has narrow sidewalks that make everyone walk like the girls in the Madeline story book. Lord knows what happens when two groups of two meet going opposite directions...
It would have to do with the width of the street, and the angular plane created by it. Toronto Planning wants to see a relationship between the height of the first step-back and the width of the road the building sits on.

Having the first 3 floors line up (more or less) with the first three floors of the neighbouring buildings would be best. But what I was also wondering was why the actual facade doesn't line up with the facade of the neighbouring block, for a solid streetwall. I thought city planners encouraged that.
28 June 2014: I don't have much confidence in this developer getting things done in a hurry....finally it gets the brick:


The towns around back look like crap:

Suggestion: Hire blackLAB architects to do the townhomes next time--Some UT ppl think I only like aA: nope, blackLAB is tops in this town today imo!
They're pretty middle-of-the-road modernism. Kind of like STAMP: a few interesting ideas but too many finicky details and converging motifs.
