What is the situation surrounding the flood?


Was curious to know... why did the pipe burst, and what is going to be the outcome? How much damage was done to the rec area?

It is understandable for this to occur, as part of the growing pains...
Anyone know how much of a shadow Burano will cast on the Murano North Tower? Thanks.

given Burano is basically in perfect east-west alignment with Murano north tower, I expect that there will be quite a bit of cross shadowing between these two (ie: Murano north gets no afternoon (west) sunlight due to Burano, while Burano get no morning (east / southeast) sunlight due to Murano north & south towers)
Anyone know how much of a shadow Burano will cast on the Murano North Tower? Thanks.

Since most of the sunlight comes from angles of the southern exposure and the towers will pretty much be in line with one another, I doubt there will be Burano shadow on Murano for most of the time.
Just walked by Murano and noticed the yellow tape cordoning off the Lanterra Sales Office/Customer Care centre on Bay. When I looked up at the glass pedestrian overhang I noticed that 8 - 10 of the panels were shattered, but still in place. Anyone know what happened?
A glass panel fell from a balcony - it's unclear at this point if someone was being an idiot and either intentionally or accidentally damaged their own balcony or if there was an issue with installation (although those glass panels would have been installed almost a year ago, so I find it hard to believe it just fell on its own accord)
If cladding can fall off of buildings on it's own accord, I don't see how a glass panel can't fall off of a residential building.
Just walked by Murano and noticed the yellow tape cordoning off the Lanterra Sales Office/Customer Care centre on Bay. When I looked up at the glass pedestrian overhang I noticed that 8 - 10 of the panels were shattered, but still in place. Anyone know what happened?

Of all the places for this to happen, right in front of their sales office.
A glass panel fell from a balcony - it's unclear at this point if someone was being an idiot and either intentionally or accidentally damaged their own balcony or if there was an issue with installation (although those glass panels would have been installed almost a year ago, so I find it hard to believe it just fell on its own accord)

you were saying ?!??!
from the above article ...

"Back at ground level, Cory Conant, a lawn-care worker with Lawn 911, vacuumed chunks of glass from where it landed in a patch of grass steps away from the building’s main entrance, on a quiet section of Grosvenor St. near Bay St.

He said the panel was about 1.2 metres tall and a metre wide.

“The wind rattled it and it broke in the frame. Then it fell,” Conant said, looking up at the building. “I think they’ll have to check every one.”

Property manager Judy Statham said engineers are working to see how and why the two panes shattered, to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

“Obviously people are alarmed,” she said. “We’re taking it very seriously.”

Statham said the panels are made of tempered glass, which is stronger than regular glass and usually shatters into small fragments instead of shards when broken, making it less likely to cause injury. She said every panel is tested for strength once installed.

“It’s safe,” she said. “The building’s safe. We’re taking very proactive measures.”
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The story is misleading. If it was tempered glass then nothing bigger than a pebble would have hit the ground, and the chances of anyone being injured as a result would've been about nil.

It also seems funny that they're quoting the lawn care guy as an authoritative source.
Could there be an unexpected amount of settling or shifting of the structure that's causing all these windows to shatter? I know I won't be walking by on that side of the street for a while.
Quite a few glass panels over the sidewalk are missing or smashed

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