It doesn't look much different at this point than any number of recent projects like 22 Wellesley for example. Very disappointing compared to the renderings. with virtually every other condominium project in this city, cheap glass. The renderings do look a lot better than the actual buildings (so far, anyway).
Re: Renderings:

Maybe that's because an artist is hired to draw a vision of what the building may look like. The Rendering for the Murano is almost exactly what is being built. I still don't understand why anyone expects a drawing or painting based on possible some initial blueprints and a creative imagination to be an exact replica of the future. As I've said before, the artist that did the rendering is not the architect, the artist did not design the building - they merely interpret the plans that they are given and add some shine to it given that renderings are for marketing purposes (Does a beer ever pour as perfectly or look as perfect as on a tv commercial with the swedish bikini team dancing around?)

When the rendering was done it is also very likely that few decisions such as the orders to manufactures for windows or exterior treatment were actually made.

With respect to the comments of condo windows being cheap, they are not. Just because there are a lot of buildings going up, doesn't make the materials cheap. Concrete has more then doubled in price the last couple years and many other materials such as windows have also had significant price increases which is putting a lot of pressure on construction costs and we've seen an over 10% increase in the psf cost consumers are paying for new condos in 2007 since developers are having difficulty absorbing material and land price increases.

The Murano windows are double glazed with high-solar gain low-E glass. Essentially the windows are covered in Low-emittance (Low-E) coating which is microscopically thin, virtually invisible with metal or metallic oxide layers deposited on a window. High pressure Argon gas is deposited between the panes of glass and acts as a thermal insulation layer.

Simply Dan said: with virtually every other condominium project in this city, cheap glass. The renderings do look a lot better than the actual buildings (so far, anyway).

Simply Dan, and the others that complain of "cheap glass" - do any of you actually know the cost of the glass or anything about the glass? Or are you just assuming it's cheap and complaining about how cheap developers are?

Caltrane74 said:
I want to see how close this building comes to its more than spectacular renderings. So far it's looking very much, like just a regular condo.

For those complaining about the "spectacular" renderings - well they serve a sales and marketing purpose to give a general idea of what the building will look like. So far the renderings are dead on. The buildings are the same shape and use the same materials - how could anyone expect the glass the have the same artistic qualities of a painting/drawing - I suppose I should be upset the sky isn't the same blue as the background and complain how crappy the sky in Toronto looks in the photos posted, or perhaps I should be upset there isn't a bird flying by because that is what I saw in an artistic rending.

If viewers would look at the rendering for what it actually is... maybe they would find that in this case so far the rendering has been very acurate, right down to the window pattern and at various angles the windows do appear to be more reflective then the average condo.
good points! I have no complaints about the looks or finish on this one... I am just loving what its going to do to fill in this section of Bay, along with its cousins across the street...
Thanks for your post Mike... I only have half a case of UT whine left and I'm hoping to save it for a special occasion (probably first appearance of cladding on the Ritz, 4 Seasons or Shangri la). Murano looks great.

Simply Dan, and the others that complain of "cheap glass" - do any of you actually know the cost of the glass or anything about the glass? Or are you just assuming it's cheap and complaining about how cheap developers are?

All I know is when I travel to Western Europe the quality of glass in new residential construction is of significantly better quality and attractiveness when compared to what we have to settle with here in Toronto.
The glass on spire looks great because there are few separations of the glass and I don't understand why they went with so many divisions if their concept was to be all about glass. They might as well have called it Alumina or something.
I still don't understand why anyone expects a drawing or painting based on possible some initial blueprints and a creative imagination to be an exact replica of the future.

Some of us are suckers for pretty pictures.
For those that forgot what the rendering looked like....


And what Bay street is actually getting

Its one thing to do some hyped up marketing to get increased sales, quite another to come up with some out right deception. Why couldn't they have used a cityplace rendering as a guide??

Optima, Matrix, HVE1, 2 & 3 came out almost bang on to their renderings. -

This building (Murano) would seem right at home at Spandia and Front.
I don't see how it's possible to make a comparison based on those pictures when there is no cladding even visible.
I don't see how it's possible to make a comparison based on those pictures when there is no cladding even visible.

bottom three levels. (on thread page 22, there are some more pictures)

/\ I'm not sure whether thats a compliment or an insult considering the level of contention concerning Cityplace here!


at least cityplace did not take artistic liberty with the renderings of the initial phases of the project. (whatever the merits of the project as a whole)

Of course west of Spandia is another storey.

Thanks for your post Mike... I only have half a case of UT whine left and I'm hoping to save it for a special occasion (probably first appearance of cladding on the Ritz, 4 Seasons or Shangri la). Murano looks great.


3D, I'm not whining. The building is what it is. ( i don't hate it, I don't love it) - But the, rendering was just devious.
Maybe just wait until the building is further along, we all know how the building tends to look different the further along it is, and we all know it tends to evolve as it grows in terms of the quality of its look. Wait it out.
