The glass changes colour with the weather. The more I see of this tower, the more I like it.

These towers, I predict, will become something of a landmark around town.
The glass changes colour with the weather. The more I see of this tower, the more I like it.

These towers, I predict, will become something of a landmark around town.

I too enjoy how the glass has a chameleon effect based on the colour of the clouds.

As for as landmarks go, I'm not convinced but agree it is a pretty building. I also think it enhances the corridor by leaps and bounds. As bizarre as it seems, it is really the only glass-box to go up on Bay St in the condo boom. The rest of the corridor is brick (more or less) and a variety of colours. Once this street-wall is complete, we'll have a very diverse set of mediums and talls using a variety of building types and forms. It'll look great.








I like this picture!

Nice! - Reminds of spring...which by the way can't get here soon enough.


Thanks for the updated photos of Murano Mike!
How many stories are these again? (and burano?)

From a post I made a few weeks ago about the talls going up in the immediate area:

243m -- 75 floors -- Aura
158m -- 48 floors -- Burano
154m -- 51 floors -- RoCP North
140m -- 43 floors -- Murano South
139m -- 45 floors -- RoCP South
126m -- 43 floors -- The Met
114m -- 31 floors -- Lumiere
113m -- 36 floors -- Murano North
98m -- 33 floors -- Encore at The Met

(What on earth was that, 42?)

That was a comment on caltrane's enthusiastic but needless repost of a picture from the previous post. Incidentally the image of the carpet of croci was taken at Kew Gardens in London on February 13.

Your cat pic, also British it seems, and Gautier, decidely French, are both quite cute.

... Incidentally the image of the carpet of croci was taken at Kew Gardens in London on February 13.

Your cat pic, also British it seems, and Gautier, decidely French, are both quite cute.


Truly disgusting, as we sit here three weeks later waiting for another snowstorm. We can only dream of flowers like this. Puts a bit of a lie to my image of winters in London: grey, chilly, and blustery.
Ay, I like them too!

Side note: gotta love the rusty, tilting lamp posts in this town. So werld klass they iz.
