^Yeah on those little side streets. But on Bay, how about Jack Astor's or Milestones? The Keg? Boston Pizza? (Are they even downtown?)

But the copshop is next door, so a donut shop is surely guaranteed?
All of those are suburban and unhealthy (especially The Keg, which is absolutely deadly. Something like 15 grams of fat in their garden salad). I'd rather see a charming independent restaurant than a shitty chain restaurant sending residents on the fast track to obesity.
^No kidding. Something like Bronto Burger v2.0. I'm just merely reiterating my belief that all these new condos have resulted in more chain retail appearing downtown than before the condo boom. Developers are conservative, and want bland retailers who will pay the rent.
One of the complaints that I have heard from residents in this area is that there is a shortage of good restaurants. Something priced between Bistro 990 and Timmie's which seem to be the choices.

This is ludicrous.

I live on the corridor and there are a lot of restaurants either on or just-off Bay St. If anyone is unwilling to walk to Yonge then they’re just lazy and crazy.

On Bay (between Gerrard and Charles), you’ve got pubs:
Foxes Den (good, reasonably priced Wings for the area) along with a good menu
Devil’s Advocate (although that just closed)

Bistro 990
5th Element (too bright but not horrible place to eat)

Light eats:
Urban Bean (or whatever it is called)
Java Joes
New York Deli

Subway X3
Pizza Nova (just opened)
Coffee shops X7 minimum
Panego Pizza
Pizza Pizza

And if you go the thirteen steps to Yonge St. you get 18,023 Sushi restaurants, Indian, Thai, Burger, pub, sportsbar, bistro and vegan food. There is a great Ethiopian place just off on St. George midway between Bay and Yonge (so 6 steps away from Bay St.).

Basically, anyone who says there are no restaurants in the area is insane, high, stupid or all three rolled into one.

But I agree more options is a good thing. This area would be well served by a Cora's and a Lick's.
There is a great Ethiopian place just off on St. George midway between Bay and Yonge (so 6 steps away from Bay St.).

Do you mean St. Joseph Street? If so, I think I know which one you're talking about, and I agree that it's damn good!
Yeah I got that wrong... meant St. Joseph's.

Actually, it's on Irwin Street which is one block north of St. Joseph. If one walks an extra thirteen steps east of Yonge, there is a feast of non-chain options tucked away on the side streets.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Murano for finally building a decent condo along the dreary Bay Street strip. This will be a beauty.
I hate to say it, but I'm having problems with the fat-heavy-mullion scale of the cladding...
those alleys in between bay and yonge also have some absolute culinary gems...check 'em out someday.
I hate to say it, but I'm having problems with the fat-heavy-mullion scale of the cladding...

The mullions were much less obtrusive in the renders, so, yup, I am disappointed too - yet by virtue of its simple composition, overall proportions and (broader) clean lines this complex remains by far the most promising structure to be built on Bay in a long time.

Looks fantastic in the sun:


Construction worker dies on the job
Monday, May 12, 2008 - 06:02 PM
By: 680News staff

A construction worker has been rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries after being hit in the head by a piece of falling metal.
Ambulance officials tell 680News, it appears the metal object fell 20 stories from a building under contruction at Bay and Grovenor streets.
It's unclear at this point whether the contruction worker was wearing a hard hat.
Officials say he was in grave condition when paramedics arrived at the scene.

