Crazy you should mention that Kristopher (I never even noticed that woman until you flagged it). Five minutes after I took that photo I was at the south-west corner of Bay & Grosvenor walking north with camera in hand to take another couple of photos of Murano, from the north side of the project. The east-west lights on Grosvenor turned red, I stepped off the curb and proceeded to walk and suddenly a cop came out of nowhere on a bike and nailed me for jaywalking. I swear to God it's true. He stated that because I walked on a red signal (which turned green one second after I stepped off the curb) he was giving me a ticket. My temper got the better of me and I gave the fellow a piece of my mind. Surprisingly he backed off, changed his tone and half jokingly said that he was going to give me "half a ticket", then he gave me a pat on the shoulder and told me to have a good day. Very strange.
I won't deny jaywalking on occasion, I do, but I definitely didn't jaywalk when he tried to nail me which is why I freaked.
Sorry, back to our regularly scheduled program....

There are people much better informed on this than me...but I'm pretty sure that, unlike in much of the US, there is no actual statute in Ontario that says jaywalking is illegal. Spacing had something up about this a while ago.
Off topic, but I hate people like her.

I love people like her. Feels more like a city when people are in a rush to cross the street, or simply have no fear of traffic.

Or maybe I've just been in Halifax too long, where people won't cross on a red, even if there is literally zero traffic.
I thought that "jaywalking" was disobeying a signal (eg. "Don't Walk") at a designated crosswalk (including intersections). Therefore, that woman is technically not jaywalking, but merely crossing the street.

..and Murano is looking very nice. It looks like it won't be too long until they install the glass on the podium
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Well my issue with her is that she's in a turning lane. If a car came along wanting to turn, she'd be in the way.

Anyway, you hit a cop? :O lol

I'm sure she would move to let the car pass if one came along. I've never had a problem crossing outside designated crosswalks, both as a pedestrian and a motorist. Cross where you want to, just don't be an idiot.
I thought that "jaywalking" was disobeying a signal (eg. "Don't Walk") at a designated crosswalk (including intersections). Therefore, that woman is technically not jaywalking, but merely crossing the street.

Jaywalking is usually considered walking across a street at a location other than a marked crosswalk or at the corner (i.e. unmarked crosswalk).
... and if you step off the curb (and "area of safety") you'll be contributorily negligent if you get hit by a car (or at least have your feet run over by a turning vehicle) - to what extent would probably depend on the circumstances. That's why you shouldn't stand on the roadway when waiting for a crosswalk signal to change - you've voluntarily left the area of safety.
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16 November 2008 photo update

Early Sunday morning walking around the UofT campus, I took some shots at Murano. In the early morning light (7:30AM) Murano looks brilliant! And, the form/rooftop/elevator core program seems to play off that gorgeous gov't of ontario building (Whitney block?)



Anybody know what the new height of the south tower will be after the addition of two floors?
Well it was listed at 461ft before the height increase, so add about 18-20ft to that for the 2 floors.
It should be around 480ft
From a distance (not up close) they actually appear rather quirky I find.
Nice for sure, but not what I was expecting them to do.
