All of these are condos. Only the tallest north tower at Bay and Wellesley is rentals.

details.... who needs 'em? Thanks for the point of clarification, though.

Anyway, my point was that the photo illustrates well the variety of built materials used in the corridor. This is something that is lacking along Queens Quay and in City Place, two other recent areas of condo intensifcation.
That's awesome. I haven't received any notification for my colour selection yet and I'm on the 40th Floor. Did they call or send you a letter regarding this?

hi neighbour :)
they left a voicemail at my house last wk and was going to book me sometime in the last wk of Apr, since I'll be on vacation she moved me one wk ahead..
thank you Jasonzed!!!

.. i know this was posted a few days ago.. but i just really wanted to say "thank you" for such a great shot...

nice shot by Jasonzed over at SSC showing the midtown cluster & Murano..

Saw the rooftop lighting (amenities level?) last night, (north tower) and thought it was ok, nothing spectacular, but decent enough. The top floor was lit up in white lighting all the way around.
Saw the rooftop lighting (amenities level?) last night, (north tower) and thought it was ok, nothing spectacular, but decent enough. The top floor was lit up in white lighting all the way around.

I think it's the mechanical level, the amenities are (or will be) on the 2nd floor. Your right, it's nothing spectacular but I thought it was noteworthy.

I was happy to see the Rooftop lighting cuz I didn't expect there would be anything like that ;)
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Everytime I see shiny pictures of these buildings (or see them driving/walking/etc around Toronto) I get a Muranorgasm.

Next boom I'd like to see more red brick (Murano-meets-Market Wharf/DD aA red brick base only 50 stories.)
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Everytime I see shiny pictures of these buildings (or see them driving/walking/etc around Toronto) I get a Muranogasm.

Murano has been exciting to watch go up, but I've never had one of those. I guess that happens as middle-age approaches :(

The next big revelation will come once the hoarding comes down and the retail areas near completion. I may have a Muranogasm once the windows on the 2nd floor (the art component) are finished. I love that glass!
