well Opera Place isn't that quite that old yet ~ LOL
regardless of age... my thought was replace the ugly and banal with something with style that is worthy of the address. Too much junk like that on Bay Street!
regardless of age... my thought was replace the ugly and banal with something with style that is worthy of the address. Too much junk like that on Bay Street!

Is the Opera Place stretch really *that* junky? I mean, it strikes me as rather good-mannered by Bay St standards--perhaps because it dates from when Paul Bedford Main-Street-ism became official policy...
Has anyone moved in yet?

What are your thoughts? Is it quiet? Thinking of purchasing a suite here.

I live there now. It's not bad. The paint on the walls is a little shotty, but I'm pretty happy with the unit itself. All the construction around means regular dusting though
Is the Opera Place stretch really *that* junky? I mean, it strikes me as rather good-mannered by Bay St standards--perhaps because it dates from when Paul Bedford Main-Street-ism became official policy...

yes, I agreed with Christopher Hume when he gave it a 'D'. Bay St is much more than a "Main Street" though. Its the catch word for 'big money' in Canada and I think that the residential buildings should reflect that for the entire length of the street. Opera Place would look much more at home somewhere in Rexdale imo. I think it stands out much more now in my eyes because of projects like College Park and Murano / Burano which have a commanding presence, even if mainly due to their sheer height in the first two cases.
Maybe he did, but I can't remember Hume giving Opera Place a D grade. Unless you're confusing something like 1001 Bay, which really does have that D-grade "belongs in Rexdale" quality.

And it's arguable whether the Opera Place stretch stands out for its mediocrity relative to something like RoCP...
seen from Riverdale Park:

Yesterday they were removing hoarding and replacing it with steel fencing. It appears as if they are preparing to open up the sidewalk here in front of the North tower.

ps. I like Opera Place. It's unique. The best thing I love is the location. There are so many trees on this stretch of Bay St, and the wide sidewalks are a dream.
May 23rd Update

Murano street level & art component glass. Starting at the south end at Grenville St. and working up to the north end of the project at Grosvenor St.

I love the glass - and the whole project, I think this is going to look great once it's completed and retail has moved in. I'm curious how the art glass will look at night when complete, presuming that it will be illuminated.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Thanks for those, DT.

I'm probably gonna get crapped on for saying this, but...

Although I really love the green tree-motif glass and the effect it creates around the base, it kinda feels like an afterthought. It leaves me puzzled rather than leaving me satisfied. It doesn't seem to have any kind of relation to the two towers. Am I missing something?
I'd say it's more cohesive than many public art components, which often amount to a sculpture of some sort sitting in front of the condo. Though I like some of them, I think the art glass is a very unique and interesting change. As for whether or not it 'works', I couldn't say from an art critic's point of view, however I do know that I like it.


edit. now with added photo!
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