Neighbours were recently advised that construction would begin mid-March and last 2 to 2.5 years. Today they are replacing the wood hoarding with a metal fence on the property lline.
That's so weird. Just yesterday I was going to make a post about how nothing is going on on this site. I think I got bored hitting the previous page button.
A month later, The MYC Condo is missing a drill rig and the hoarding has been painted pink. I didn't bother getting out of the car as there was not much to see.
This is what I know. Lane closure that started last week has been approved until September 2013. Traffic still gets through with 2 narrow lanes. Previous closures were for Toronto Hydro - new vault etc.
Merton @ Yonge will be closed February 11 for crane install.
At a meeting in November the City approved 3 additional stories for a total of 27.